Is Tuesday less busy than Wednesday in Golden week with regard to train travel?

Hi there. I just moved here and like so many others I have time off in Golden Week. Now I want to travel to northern Tohoku, but I was wondering if there was any advantage to traveling on Tuesday (May 2nd) as opposed to Wednesday (May 3rd). It looks like only Wednesday is a public holiday, so will the trains be less crowded on Tuesday? Or do so many people take the entire week off so that it’s going to be super busy no matter what?

  1. It will be busy. Much busier than any normal weekday. Still not as bad as the 3rd will be.

  2. There might be fewer people out of work overall on M and T as not everyone will take those days off, but I think the sheer numbers will still mean it is peak capacity on public transport either way.

  3. I feel like most people travel *out* of the bigger cities during GW so your trip to getting there and back from there might be.

    Either way, you should just probably go with the expectation that it will be super busy or super packed everywhere you go.

  4. If you have to travel, go early. I’m talking first, second, trains out.

    Also you might wanna look into if you can even get seats because I believe Tohoku shinkansens are all reserve seating only.

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