JR Pass Passport Inspection?

So I’ve been wondering, has anyone ever been caught using someone else’s JR pass?

I’ve asked a couple of my friends who have the tourist JR pass and all they did was slot it into the gate for regular JR and Shinkansen and that’s all there was to it. No inspection, ever. I then asked my Japanese friends and they never heard of anyone using someone else’s pass getting caught on the news or anything.

Does anyone have any experience to share on this topic?

  1. I’m not aware of anyone caught doing it yet. It’s been a point of discussion that this would be an easy way to cheat the system. JR is certainly aware of it but probably isn’t considering it worth the effort to enforce. Yet.

    I suspect that as time goes on and they realize that people are scamming them they’ll set out a couple of checks and throw the book at whomever they catch to make an example of them.

  2. That’s a stupid move and will regret your whole life; unless you want a 1 way ticket home and free accommodation in the immigration detention center

  3. It’s probably hard to get caught. But, personally I wouldn’t want any association with someone who is effectively stealing public transportation fare.

  4. If you found the missing JR Pass, you should return it to the lost and found. If someone claimed they lost a JR Pass it’s possible they could track its usage and flag if someone else is using it.

  5. I don’t think such a story would be newsworthy even if they do catch you, I have to assume they often catch people who try to cheat JR and have never any reports on it. They’ll probably just hit you with a big fine which you’ll want to pay to avoid arrest.

  6. A lot of Japanese folks don’t even know about the JR All Rail Pass, but they probably wouldn’t know because they wouldn’t need to use it.

    When I was a tourist, 9/10 times they didn’t check my passport, but I was checked once, I think it was somewhere in Tohoku.

    At least it was one I bought for myself. But it really only takes that one time.

    Just don’t use someone else’s if you’re worried about it.


    *edit, it seems you asked about sharing passes for something else before. Stop being cheap, or trying to win brownie points with someone else. That’s stupid stuff high school teenagers might be able to try in their home country with little care to consequences.

  7. I worked with someone who was caught, arrested, deported, and banned from Japan, so I wouldn’t recommend using it if you’re not supposed to.

  8. Just FYI

    In addition to the terms and conditions set forth above, when using the PASS, you must obey the JR Group’s regulations, terms and conditions, and the laws of Japan.
    Violation of the terms and conditions above or the JR Group’s regulations of use of the PASS may result in the invalidation and confiscation of the PASS, as well as assessment of a penalty amounting to twice the basic fares and charges for all transportation services for which the PASS was used.


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