Looking for NHK incompatible smart tv

Hi everyone,

I’m trying to looks for 4k 120hz smart tv but according the to law I’ll have to pay NHK fee.. anyone was about to import NHK incompatible smart TVs? Tokyo & Yokohama area


  1. Go over to Busan on a ferry from Fukuoka and pick up some LG or something there and bring it back as baggage


    Or just pay NHK, the programming is great and paying lets you stream their stuff on PC/smartphone (NHK+)

  2. You could also just not pay NHK. Don’t answer the door for any of their goons and it shouldn’t be a problem.

  3. I mean, you can just say that you only use your TV to play video games or even tell you don’t have a TV at home.

    AT LEAST, people told me to do this when I arrived here and even told me some shitty stories about “how you’ll be selling your soul to them paying NHK fees”.

  4. Donki sells tuner-less TVs, which is essentially a monitor that has the look-and-feel of a TV. It has ports so that your can use Fire Sticks, Apple TV etc

  5. why go through all the hassle? Just buy a TV and don’t answer the door! If you accidentally open the door thinking it’s Amazon, just say Terebi Tabemasen!

  6. Just get any TV you like, and when the NHK guy shows up ignore him (or have some fun at his expense if that’s your thing).

  7. It doesn’t really matter if it’s NHK compatible or not… just don’t sign up

  8. Lol had this discussion with an American friend (who has never been to Japan before) the other day. Western games glorify yakuza and think they’re the big scary guys in Japan but no, the guys with mafia energy in Japan are straight up the NHK.

    Being entitled to (semi-lawfully) ask for money from people for simply owning a screen that can receive radio waves is some dystopian shit.

  9. There is a decoder card at the back of any TV destined for Japan. Just take it out and destroy it. Your TV won’t be able to receive any broadcasts.

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