Possibly relaying a message through 6 degrees of separation?


  1. Just a heads up, this doesn’t sound nearly as romantic out loud as it does in your head.

  2. I remember when I had my first puppy love too.
    Just thankful there wasn’t any online forums for me to write anything embarrassing and cringe back then.
    *cough cough*

  3. No real advice, other than this is the wrong place to find them.

    Try Instagram, hashtag the place you were at. Something like #九十九里 #夏の恋人

    Probably have more luck that way.

  4. I’ve had intrusive thoughts like this in the past, but it’s worth understanding that actually going ahead with this would be *super creepy*. I would perhaps recommend getting screened for autism, though I don’t know how easy that is to do in Japan.

  5. I think if he was interested and really stunned like you suggested, he’d likely have said something. Maybe he was just surprised someone was constantly staring at him and isn’t actually interested or attracted?

  6. You need counselling if you think this is in any way harmless or normal. This is an obsession and it sounds like it’s impacting your life.

  7. I mean, I guess the most you can do is just keep going to that same place and hope he shows up again… but tbh I suggest getting out into the world and meeting some more people IRL 🙂

    I’m all for romantic things, but it sounds like you’re a little bit sheltered. Like, this is stopping you from leaving Japan??? Pls, I don’t think that’s healthy. If it’s meant to be, you’ll meet again.

    After going out and meeting a bunch of new and different people, I think you’ll realise that you’re just fixated and he isn’t as special as you think he is 🙂

  8. He looked at you since you stared at him, didn’t he?

    If he thought you were attractive, he would talk to you or say something at least.
    He seemed to be hit by the thunderbolt? He was just gobsmacked because you looked at him.

  9. He probably just was wondering why a random foreigner was staring at him. That’s pretty abnormal.. especially if he’s in his wetsuit and enjoying his own space.

    If you really wanna get your stalker hat on, go to Shonan and watch people surfing, maybe you’ll spot em. Most of them live nearby. At least you’ll get a tan.

  10. Lots of amateur psychiatrists in this thread diagnosing OP’s ‘issues’. Give it a rest already!

    OP – I hope you find your thunderbolt. All the best.

  11. Btw, would you be ok if someone posted as similar post for you ? Or would it be creepy ?

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