Warren Buffett hates Japanese food, even if he loves investing in Japan: ‘it was the worst’

Warren Buffett hates Japanese food, even if he loves investing in Japan: ‘it was the worst’


  1. Lol the old fart is from Omaha Nebraska. Mayonnaise is spicy, and anything not made of corn is scary.

  2. Alternate headline: Financial genius who subsist on Coke and chips hates Japanese food.

    On another note, this isn’t really a big deal. Everyone has their preferences.

  3. Says he’ll never eat Japanese food again after not eating anything they were serving.

  4. Looking at how he runs his railroads, I believe Japan may be better off without his investment

  5. Well maybe they can fix little Warren some dino chicken nuggies with ketchup while everyone else is enjoying their big boy sushi and ramen.

  6. >“Course after course arrived, and each of his plates went back, untouched,”
    >“By the end of 15 courses, he had still not eaten a bite,”
    >“It was the worst,” Buffett told Schroeder. “I’ve had others like that, but it was by far the worst. I will never eat Japanese food again.”

    Again? It doesn’t sound like he ate any a first time.

  7. There was a guy on YouTube think he was Business Insider who ate his diet for a day or week unsure which, it was truly horrifying what he eats daily so yeah he wouldn’t know good food.

  8. Alternate headline: group of elite publicists who have spent years carefully crafting a fake image of billionaire as down-to-earth and uncorruptible take on Japanese cuisine: it was too different than the simple food that poor Americans buy from corporations that billionaire is heavily invested in, they say. He was unable to eat it because it was raw and not McDonald’s!

  9. yea japanese food sucks. they gotta incorporate spices n chillis man. the food presentation great n all but the food no flavour.

  10. Isn’t he from like Nebraska? Aside from fried butter on a stick all the staple foods like fried chicken and burgers and soup and stuff have Japanese equivalents – a Mos burger and karage is hands down better than McDs and KFC any day of the week.

    Like most people who say they don’t like Japanese food, it’s not just raw fish and rice lol – hell Japan deep fries fucking green beans, can’t imagine a midwesterner wouldn’t perk right up at the idea of deep fried veggies

  11. Sounds like he was treated to kaiseki ryori – traditional Japanese haute cuisine. I love a lot of Japanese food (and used to live there, so I’ve tried almost everything at least once), but the one time I tried kaiseki ryori I also didn’t touch much if anything at all – I was definitely still very hungry afterwards. The more expensive/exclusive it is, the more of it is weird stuff and raw. I’ll also definitely never try that again – unless maybe a rather simple version, because those aren’t as “excentric” – but probably still too much for Buffet.

    Pretty sure he’d enjoy some of the (cooked) Japanese soul food, though. But of course $4 gyudon or ramen bowl isn’t what you serve a billionaire / important business partner.

    Admittedly he would probably have been happiest with a Sasebo burger, or just something from McDonald’s.

  12. Who cares what food he likes?! How can you make up a news with such a crappy info…

  13. Jesus christ… what the hell are these comments. Sounds like non-japanese getting offended for japanese food. The guy is known for mostly eating just fast/junk food, what do you expect? Heck, even my mom who grew up in another asian country had to get used to eating japanese food when he married my dad.

    People’s palates are different.

  14. Boy eats a cheese burger every morning for the last 50 years. Of course he isn’t into Japanese food.

  15. He preferred hamburgers, popcorn, and ice cream to Japanese food. It is not necessary for everyone to recognize excellent cuisine, much less even aim to try it. The idea that you would spend your life eating only the food you had tried by the time you were 6 is frankly ridiculous, but to each their own. What he wanted/preferred only matters to him – it shouldn’t matter to anyone else.

  16. My wife is from Omaha, Nebraska, Buffett’s hometown, and she also doesn’t like sushi or Japanese food very much. The Japanese food there is not great so I’m not surprised his palate isn’t accustomed to it. Meat, potatoes and fast food are king.

  17. Dude generalized all Japanese food after trying one restaurant lmao this dude must be insanely racist

  18. I’m assuming “it was the worst” is him describing the experience of being in such a stressful situation rather than the food itself, since it sounded like he didn’t even try anything.

    I’m more amazed that somebody of his age and stature regularly eats so much fast food and especially so many soft drinks. He must have an insane metabolism or built up some bizarre tolerance to it. If I followed his diet for a single day I’d feel so lethargic and awful I wouldn’t want to do anything. After eating Japanese food I feel great.

  19. Have a delicious fatty-ass bowl of ramen with delicious fatty-ass broth and delicious fatty-ass meat. If you don’t like that, you don’t know what food is. Or you’re a veggie, which I doubt Mr. Buffett (that is such an ironic name in so many ways) is.

  20. I would take the article with a grain of salt. I am assuming he ate at a fancy sushi restaurant. A lot of people don’t like sushi.

  21. iv known two people that said he didn’t like something even tho he never tasted it
    he lost a bet and we made him taste said food he didn’t like now its his favorite food

  22. From what I know about his eating habits, I wouldn’t exactly use him as a measuring stick for Japanese food.

  23. From all the comments and the nature of the article, this sounds like an “OK, boomer” moment.

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