BA vs BS for Work Visa / Life in Japan

Hi all, sorry if this has been asked before but couldn’t find it

Im debating whether to finish my Comp Sci degree with a BA or BS. Without getting into the pros and cons of each (I’ve already thought about them alot), Im curious if getting the BA is a bad idea strictly in terms of moving to Japan/work visa stuff. I plan to stay long-term so I just don’t want any issues down the line

1. Does Immigration ever deny BA degrees? Am I safer with a BS?

2. I read that some BAs (I think my Uni is one of them) are not ABET accredited. Is this the accreditation Immigration checks for, or do they use another system?

3. Even if Japan gave me a work visa now, is it possible theyll become more strict in the future? Does Japan have a history of changing degree type requirements?

Curious to hear anyones experience especially if you have a BA in CS. thanks!

  1. This is a copy of your post for archive/search purposes.

    **BA vs BS for Work Visa / Life in Japan**

    Hi all, sorry if this has been asked before but couldn’t find it

    Im debating whether to finish my Comp Sci degree with a BA or BS. Without getting into the pros and cons of each (I’ve already thought about them alot), Im curious if getting the BA is a bad idea strictly in terms of moving to Japan/work visa stuff. I plan to stay long-term so I just don’t want any issues down the line

    1. Does Immigration ever deny BA degrees? Am I safer with a BS?

    2. I read that some BAs (I think my Uni is one of them) are not ABET accredited. Is this the accreditation Immigration checks for, or do they use another system?

    3. Even if Japan gave me a work visa now, is it possible theyll become more strict in the future? Does Japan have a history of changing degree type requirements?

    Curious to hear anyones experience especially if you have a BA in CS. thanks!

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  2. You’re overthinking this.

    The degree *type* doesn’t matter at all. The only thing that matter is the accreditation, and people worry far too much about that as well.

    I originally entered Japan on a BA from Full Sail. *Before* they became a University. AKA: Sketchy as hell degree. I bring in employees on BAs all the time.

  3. Both will be fine as far as immigration is concerned. What do you want to do though? A BS will be better regarded for work opportunity where experience has not yet been established.

    Remember to get the work visa you first have to get hired.

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