South African Jets Interviews

Are there any SA JETS who secured interviews? What are you doing to prepare? Are you nervous? Please share tips and resources. And for those who didn’t make it, will you be applying again or are you throwing away the hot water because the chicken is no longer there for you to pluck out the feathers? I hope in all this, you are still optimistic about applying!

  1. I unfortunately missed the submission date this year because of several life complications (moving) and a reference that didn’t get back to me ever after agreeing to be my reference 😭😑.. Luckily I didn’t give up and I was fortunate enough to make it into Interac, I’ll be flying out in March.

    I’m happy to see there’s other Saffa’s here looking to go to Japan, I always wondered just how many Saffas actually apply for the JET program. If we ever cross paths let’s share a drink, otherwise good luck buddy.

  2. Hi so this year I didn’t get accepted. Last year I did and I was shortlisted but I declined the offer. So I went through the interview process and here’s some tips.

    1) Don’t stress, the panel is lovely, they are friendly and the questions are straightforward. Just be yourself. You can practice some Jet interview questions by googling the typical questions asked, but in my opinion just go with the flow. They will ask you questions based mostly on your SOP and application. They want to know who YOU are so sell it to them. The Japanese interviewer will ask you questions based on how you as a teacher will approach scenarios in your school and community and how you will try to adapt to your new home away from home. The other panelists will ask you questions based on your sop and application. That is basically it.

    2) Dress the part, seriously lol. Wear a white button up shirt, guys wear fancy suit pants girls a pencil skirt or fancy suit pants (office-wear), in Japan this is a standard way of dressing when doing business or going for meetings and interviews, mimick this, as it just looks really good. No cleavage. Minimal makeup and neat hair. Also minimal jewelry.

    3) Smile and enjoy the experience! Don’t lie, don’t pretend, just take a deep breath and let them see the wonderful you.

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