Japanese website with reading resources

Hey all! I found a great website which is directed at children. It’s all in Japanese, so for beginners it can be a little too advanced (as is the case for me lol). It’s a website with all sorts of resources about science and learning new stuff. The science part (科学, かがく) for example has ‘why’ questions about people, animals, nature, weather, et cetera all in Japanese. Have you always wondered what the rings of Saturn are made of, you can read all about it(土星🪐にある輪は何). Just scroll through it!
I also really like the manga section of the website (まんがでよくわかるシリーズ). They have manga’s about all kinds of subjects, their latest manga was about onigiri for example. It’s just a normal manga, with educational information between sections too! Hopefully this website is helpful (not sponsored btw, just a fun website).
Link: https://kids.gakken.co.jp

1 comment
  1. That’s cool! Thanks for sharing. This will be a fun little resource to practice reading, vocabulary, and grammar. Cheers!

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