Creditcard info got stolen, should I go to the police?

So I noticed someone made an online purchase using my debit card, called the bank to stop the card, called the shop to see if they can cancel the order but they said they can’t because I don’t know the order number or name of the person who ordered it. So maybe my bank can get the money back but they aren’t sure. Should I go to the police as well or would it just be a waste of time? It wasn’t a super large amount (23,000) but it still sucks…

  1. You should probably report it but if the thief is overseas there’s probably nothing they can do about it. They may have a cyber unit that investigates such things or at least keeps a record.

  2. report it – since they made an online purchase with a name and delivery address the police should be able to track down who did it

  3. Do credit cards not have 0 liability in japan? If so they should definitely give you back the money

  4. You should. It might fall into the category of old-geezers getting ripped off by organized gangs showing talent for funky drama skits, or merely cyber-crime, however the authorities are quite aware its a big problem here. It is very common for events and news/radio to repeat warnings about potential cybercrime and scams, etc.

    Sure, your case might be different, but how it got stolen may be new/or adds to the evidence for a culprit. Your 23,000 is worth it.

  5. i mean you can definitely ask for a refund. In some credit card companies you can ask for a refund using the app. Or chat/talk to customer service to refund and cancel the card.

  6. My colleague was also a victim to this. Her CC was issued by SMBC. It showed some charges from Shein and AirAsia about 15,000 yen-ish. She called the bank, and they told her that they’ll just void the charges. Good luck!

  7. You might be able to claim the money back from the credit card company or make an insurance claim, either of which will likely require a police report.

  8. Honestly, no, unless you suspect someone around you (e.g., maybe someone you know) stole your card info and used it online.

    Otherwise your best avenue for recourse is with your bank. They will do a “chargeback” and basically reverse the charges.

    Now, some banks in Japan may request that you to file a police report as part of the chargeback procedure. But unless your bank asks you to do so, it may be a waste of your time to file with the police.

  9. Just call your card company for fraudulent charges. Heck my parents even did that with me when I used their card without permission and they got their money back.

  10. Your bank is the most important, they will advise if a police report is also necessary but in most cases not necessary because they don’t do anything with that information. If it may relate to a more personalized criminal situation then it is one thing to add to the list of whatever may be occurring with being a victim to a crime or crimes against you for collecting evidence.

  11. First, you should call all your credit card companies and get new cards with new numbers.
    Second, many credit card companies have a guarantee against unauthorized use within 60 days from the issuance of the statement, you should be able to have the charged reversed unless your case falls in one of the following:
    – 60 or 90 days have passed since the unauthorized use
    – It’s your fault
    – You lost your card and didn’t report it to the police
    – You didn’t sign the back of your card
    – You let someone close to you use it, such as a family member or cohabitant

    If you didn’t do anything wrong and they still refuse to cancel the charge, I’d change the credit card company.

  12. Call the credit card company and file a report for fraudulent activity. I have had something similar happened to my Amex three years ago for a much larger amount and Amex didn’t charge me anything after I made the report.

  13. If you charge back the card you should be okay. I would cancel it too, and get a new one.

    I don’t think the police will be able to do anything.

  14. Same case happened to me before. Was around Shinjuku and suddenly got an email of transaction completed around 43000 jpy. It was debit card.
    Immediately called the number located at the back of card and asked them to cancel the card and reported unauthorized transaction.
    After 2-3 days, got called from bank and they said it was done in some kind of gift shops and asked if I remember it. I had no idea so I told its unauthorized transaction. They issued a new card for me which I received after a week. And regarding refund, yes I got a full refund after 2 months.

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