What is good to immerse in as a beginner?

Context I know like 200 words, doing rtk450 and tae Kim’s

What are some good stuff for immersion as a beginner at my level. I tried the first video of comprehension Japanese the snowman one and understood most words, but I tried some other recommendations and they didn’t have Japanese subtitles and the auto generated ones on YouTube are quite annoying. Any tips on what to immerse with also Anime and manga recommendations as a beginner (yotsubato is too hard)

  1. I got two of my favourite Mangas in japanese, One Piece and Knights of Sidonia. Its a very big motivation boost when you can identify anything in one of you favourite pieces of media.

    So personally, I would recommend something you have a personal attachement too, it really helps in my opinion.

  2. graded readers (search this sub for “free graded readers”)

    crystal hunters as well (first issue is free manga written for learners)

  3. When I was a beginner (fresh out of learning kana) my main method of immersion was games, specifically nintendo games.


    As far as anime/manga….maybe stuff where the main demographic are kids, such as pokemon, one piece (if you can deal with the length of course), etc. If you use a VPN you should be able to access a whole bunch of anime on netflix with japanese subs

  4. Did you understand what Yuki was saying only because there were subtitles? If so I recommend turning them off and learning to hear the language. I’ve gotten to the point now where I can more or less passively listen to the beginner videos and still understand what she’s saying.

    My first immersion was replaying Zelda: Breath of the Wild. I didn’t understand 99% of it but the fact that it was so familiar to me and that it was fun made learning from it a great experience. I recommend you find something similar.

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