Why doesn’t Japan have any laws protecting immigrants from discrimination? Is Japan nationalistic/racist?

Why doesn’t Japan have any laws protecting immigrants from discrimination? Is Japan nationalistic/racist?

  1. >Here in Europe we have rights for immigrants which protect them from discrimination,

    I am European too. Belgium to be precise. To say that immigrants are protected against discrimination it really looking through rosy glasses.

    Study after study has shown that to not be the case. Maybe thing aren’t as bad as in Japan, but there is definitely racism and discrimination towards immigrants here.

    >but from what I’ve read Japan doesn’t afford as much to immigrants. I have read accounts that Japanese natives are far more likely to be able to rent a place than a non-Japanese.

    Yes. And that is the same here. People renting out apartments and houses are much more likely to rent their property to ‘Angela’ than to ‘Fatima’. Test after test confirms this. Again, not as openly and much as in Japan, but it definitely happens a lot.

    >Is there a stigma against multiculturalism and diversity there?


    >Should Japan adopt the same mindset of Europeans and the west by inviting people from the middle east and Africa into their country?

    First of all, good luck telling a country “hey, you have to change your culture. From now on you have to embrace diversity”. Second, I don’t know which Europeans you are looking to but we definitely don’t ‘invite’ those people either. Their process for coming over is simpler than for Japan. But it’s not like Europeans as a whole are so enthusiastic about it as you make it out to be.

    The biggest reason for Brexit was to stop immigration take back control of the border.

  2. Japan has a long history of xenophobia. At least from what I’ve heard.

    It’s definitely not right, but understandable, all things considered.

  3. Japan is just more open about it, and to be fair (not sure if the numbers are right) but I think their population is one of the most uniform like 98% just Japanese and no foreigners. You would almost expect them to be xenophobic/racist. Secondly I dont think Japan is more racist/xenophobic than others, all nations that have the abilities to limit the entry of newcomers, and that are secluded/more isolated end up fearing/hating the outsiders: xenophobia. I think Japan will always be sort of like that because it takes time for mentalities to change, and progress and Japan is just in a situation that benefits keeping the status quo.

  4. I really hate questions like this, because the answer is always “yes” no matter what country you ask this about.

    Bias and discrimination are an inherent part of the human condition no matter where you go, and it’s in no way unique to Japan.

    How it manifests differs based on culture, and it should be reformed where possible. But I’m really tired of people coming here and being **shocked** about the unfair realities of being an immigrant.

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