Cat litter recommendations in Japan

Back home I used to use Breeders Choice recycled paper litter, it was a very effective odour suppressor and very popular.

I don’t like clay as it is dusty and doesn’t suppress odour, as my favoured brand/material is not available here as far as I can tell (it is in Korea though!) , do any cat parents have any recommendations for brands in Japan?? I have seen things like tofu litter — do they actually suppress odour ?

  1. Go to the store

    Find pet area

    There will be tons of paper/wood based litter products

    Especially if you go to a home center

    No matter what it says don’t flush it down the toilet – shit clumps up and will clog the shit out of your pipes – ask me how I know

    I use whatever’s cheapest but they have scented and unscented types

    I recently switched to the iris oyama jump in litter box and while the cat isn’t a huge fan it’s kept her from kicking litter out of the box

  2. Deotoilet is by far the best I’ve used. The pads and litter being separate really help keep it from smelling in small areas. I use the green pellets for the top part. They even sell the stuff for this in most drug stores if you accidentally run out.

  3. I’ve been using wood pellets, and that’s worked out well for me. They’re expensive to buy in the pet store, but you can get them for very cheap online. Then again, if your cats are not used to them, they might not like changing over.

  4. I just buy the big and cheap 13 litres turning blue paper pellets they have at Royal Home Centre. Works fine for me. About 900 yen.

    The brand might be Neoloo, but I’m not at home to check right now…

  5. Search for the title below on Amazon. This stuff is really good.

    # Cat Litter Recommended for Multi-Cat HouseholdsNow in Larger 48.5-lb./9.6-gallon (22-kg/36.3-L) size: White Pellets, made in Japan

  6. 3 cats in the house. I swear by “Cat Litter, Wood Pellet, 7.9 gal (33 L), 44.1 lbs” on Amazon JP (search: B01LKUP3AK). 1,620JPY for a 33L rice bag of wood pellets. It says unscented, but more like cedar or hinoki sawdust. Works great with a sift tray and pads.

  7. My cat’s kind of a princess and I went through 8 different types of litter before settling on Everclean. I refuse to switch now because she will pee on my things if she hates it. It’s bentonite clay, but not too dusty. The odor is definitely kept in check.

  8. I switched to a システムトイレ for my cat when I got here and haven’t looked back.
    I have tried a few pads, but the エルル超消臭 are by far the best for absorbency and smell (I just bought 5 x 20 packs online).

    There are a lot of different pellets you can get, I get ones that are made from paper and are about 1cm in diameter.

  9. I agree with deotoilet. I have a Litter locker for poops. Nice and smell free.

  10. Deotoilet pads and a compatible litter box are worth it but we don’t use thier litter.

    Outer cats where used to pellets so we wanted to keep them on that type. We use Nyantomo Clean Toilet and it’s great. Pee runs straight through it and it rarely sticks to the poop. Only have to do a full refresh like once a month!

  11. I have 4 cats and use the wood based pellets. I generally get about two weeks of use out of a single bag.

    They have a spray to help keep the smell down if you notice it.

    I also use the litter boxes that have a tray for pee pads. This gets changed out nearly daily so almost no smell.

  12. I can’t speak for Japanese tofu litter brands specifically, but I love tofu litter! I used it exclusively for my cat when I was living in Korea, and also while I was back in Canada for 2 years. Minimal dust, flushable, and good at suppressing pee odour! Poop smell depends on whether your cat covers it up properly after lol.

  13. Deotoilet as many have said!! i also reccomend getting their giant pellets. my cat kicks them out of the box when she has a big poop but it’s only like one lol pebble, easy to find pick up and throw away, rather than fine tiny sand all over the place.

    This is the specific one i use. it’s also pretty good at deodorizing!

    Unicharm 4520699680568 Pet Care Company DeoToilet, Splatter-Free, Deodorizing, Antibacterial Sand, 1.1 gal (4 L)

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