Deciding between Hosei or Ritsumeikan

Hi guys, I’m a senior student who currently got accepted to both Hosei and Ritsumeikan and now I’m deciding which one I should choose. The major I’m going to study at both university is quite similar (Community and Regional Policy Studies major at Ritsumeikan Ibaraki campus and Sustainability Co-creation Program at Hosei Ichigaya campus). I want to choose the right option based on these few factors: education, how international the school is, lifestyle, employment, and the people. Please leave some suggestions in the comments below to help me out, thank you so much!!!

  1. This is a copy of your post for archive/search purposes.

    **Deciding between Hosei or Ritsumeikan**

    Hi guys, I’m a senior student who currently got accepted to both Hosei and Ritsumeikan and now I’m deciding which one I should choose. The major I’m going to study at both university is quite similar (Community and Regional Policy Studies major at Ritsumeikan Ibaraki campus and Sustainability Co-creation Program at Hosei Ichigaya campus). I want to choose the right option based on these few factors: education, how international the school is, lifestyle, employment, and the people. Please leave some suggestions in the comments below to help me out, thank you so much!!!

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  2. First, congrats for ur admission to the two unis in Japan!

    In terms of employment, rit is generally considered slightly less prestigious than hosei because hosei belongs to the uni group of “MARCH” while rit belongs to 关关同立, but their gap is very light when finding employment in Japan unless you aim for super competitive multinational companies upon graduation.

    For education, I can’t see a major difference of their quality of education without being their student, but most redditors may say most of English taught bachelor’s in Japan are useless or worthless with bad quality of education, just want u to be warned by such comments to consider thoroughly before u indeed come to Japan. My suggestion is to go to a school with a curriculum u love most (or at least don’t hate in the worst scenario).

    And both schools are actually quite international but rit shall have more English taught programs so a legitimate guess is it may have a more international atmosphere than hosei.

    PS. As a student who has applied to some other Japanese unis, my comment is generally based on the extensive research I have made during the application period. Hope that helps u a bit!

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