Residence card need to be renewed for travel requirement but it is too early to apply for renewal

I am making plans for a trip in Europe using business visa. One of the requirements is that the residence card must have at least 3 months of validity after the trip. My residence card validity is short of a few days from that 3 months, so I have to renew my residence card. However, as I read around here, I can only apply for the renewal within 3 months of the expiration, which is around the time the trip is scheduled, and of course, by that time it’s too late to apply for a visa already.

Anyone else who had encountered this problem before? Is there a way to appeal for renewing the residence card in an earlier time?

  1. Apply for renewal and attach a letter explaining this extenuating circumstance

  2. Usually if you have a valid reason, documented, you should be able to renew earlier. Call immigration and ask them for what document you need to gather for early renewal.

    However it seems weird that Europe would ask you to have a valid JAPANESE residence permit. They shouldn’t care at all. Are you sure they are not asking for a passport with over 3 months of validity post trip ?

  3. If it’s asking for the, “visa”, that could be the actual visa within your passport not the residents card. I’d call the airline and check with them as well

  4. By all means, do not ask immigration about it. Just ask on reddit and your problem is sure to get fixed, because we all know that redditors have the final say in all things residence card. /s

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