Remove Alphanumeric characterset from Japanese IME

I’m having literally the exact same problem as this guy did 5 years ago, and I couldn’t find a good answer on the post:


1 comment
  1. Do what [this article]( says, but replace `KBDBE.DLL` with whatever the dll is for the dvorak layout.

    Sometimes Microsoft breaks the IME with an update. If that’s not working, try going to the keyboard selection screen in the control panel and check “use old Microsoft IME version” or whatever it is in English.

    It might work for Google IME if you use that.

    If you need more results, try searching `microsoft / google japanese ime azerty / qwertz windows 7 / 10″. It will be full of people trying to change the keyboard layout. Sometimes it’s worth trying both the windows 7 and windows 10 guides because one might solve the problem that the other doesn’t.

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