PR Application 2023

I applied for PR in the first week of February tokyo.
From spouse visa to PR.
As I’m not full time employee just doing some part time jobs.
My wife is full time company employee So I’m in her FUYOU.
Does someone here been through the same situation. I would really appreciate to hear the result n experience.

  1. It normally takes 6+ months to get PR. Applying as a spouse is almost guaranteed as long as you meet the requirements and the household income is high enough to support you both. Don’t sweat things till at least August.

  2. Took me 8-9 months via Shinagawa. Received it
    about 2 months ago. They are backed up. Don’t sweat.

  3. I sponsored my wife who also is not a full time emoloyee and we applied in Yokohama. The process took a little less than 5 months, immigration didn’t ask for additional information.

  4. It took mine a year to get approved. Although turning it in before the Olympics and covid 19 hitting a month later probably didn’t help expedite the process.

  5. Aside from those advises that you can see online, here are some from me who failed once, and finally succeeded getting the PR.
    1. Maintain your current status now. Unless super required, avoid moving residence, changing jobs, and anything that require you to submit paper works to Japan immigration during your the span of your PR review. If you do, make sure to report it and submit the necessary documents.
    2. Make sure to answer those phone calls from unregistered numbers. There is a chance that you will get a call from immigration officer asking for additional documents regarding your application.
    3. Be the nicest person ever just during the review period. Avoid conflicts, violations, even the smallest once as it might cause a trip to the police station and stain your record.
    4. I hope you and your wife did not declare too much number of dependents in your tax papers. This one got me during my first application and I had to fix (declare the acceptable number based from my income) it and waited 3 years to reapply.
    Best of luck my friend!

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