how expensive are medical fees?

Just as the title said, i’m soon moving to japan and i my medical insurance covers up to 90% of all fees.

But i can also opt in to pay like 34 euros a month for a year to bump it to 100%.

So if anyone could give me insight on how much your typical visit to the doctor costs or how much on average i’ll have to pay if i ever get hospitalized would be great!

  1. You need to consult with your insurer and see if they cover expenses when you’re a resident in a foreign country. Most insurers do not. Their overseas coverage is designed to cover you while you’re on holiday, not when you’re living and working in another country.

    Ultimately it doesn’t really matter, though. If you’re going to be a resident, you will be required to enroll in the Japanese national health insurance plan. It’s not optional, and there’s no “I already have insurance from my home country” exemption. It’s (relatively) inexpensive, and covers the majority of your health costs.

    Since you’re going to be paying for Japanese insurance, why spend the extra money on insurance from your home country that may or may not actually cover you?

  2. > how much your typical visit to the doctor costs


    > or how much on average i’ll have to pay if i ever get hospitalized would be great!


  3. Depending on your visa (perhaps its all visas???), you’ll be paying for national health insurance here too. It’s generally compulsory. So it’ll cost the national insurance fee, and then 30% of the visit cost. I usually pay around Â¥900 (30%) for a private clinic consultation. And then €408 a year if you keep paying for that too.

  4. With National Health insurance, the fees are so low that sometimes I feel guilty. After my last consultation, I literally paid with one 500 yen coin.

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