Question on the kanji for okaerinasai

I was using a manga as reading practice(this is a very good method to learn). And I came across some very weird kanji usage for okaerinasai(welcome home). I’m pretty sure the kanji is supposed to be お帰りなさえ but in this it uses some kanji that I can’t read(I can read 感 though from 感じ) Is this an old way to say okairinasai?

The manga panel: [](

  1. It’s called 義訓 (ぎくん). That’s a literary device wherein the author gives kanji irregular readings to highlight a different meaning or finer nuance. In the case of a lot of hentai, it’s most often used for innuendos. I’m sure you can use your imagination for what the author intended with this in context.

    Just so we’re clear, おかえりなさい is not ever written like this normally.

  2. if that’s “okaerinasai”… then what would be “tadaima”?

    present your ideas, gentlemen

  3. I was convinced I was in llj and was so confused by all the serious answers

  4. If you provided me with a link to the source material. I could probably assist you in solving this problem.

  5. Must be a mistake, I see that word quite often and the furigana is always ありがとうございます

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