
Hi. I am bringing omiyage as a new hire for Interac. I was wondering how many I should bring. I’m packing individual bags with a few American candies and mini pop tarts.

  1. Who for?

    For the school faculty? Maybe 20-30-40. Maybe double that if you have more than one school.

    For the students 100s, maybe 1000s.

  2. Everyone in the teachers room – can range from 15-40 people

    Don’t bring any for the students because of allergies

  3. Since you’re teaching at multiple schools just go with a few boxes of cookies or something. No need to do anymore than that. I’m sure anything you bring will be appreciated.

  4. You either only bring stuff for your BoE supervisor, their boss, and the superintendent of education and/or for your main school. If you work multiple schools, it’ll get expensive to please everybody. It could easily ballon to 40-100+. I wouldn’t make it a habit or people will come to expect it and then you’ll never save up money or end up hating going on vacations.

  5. You dont need to bring omiyage as a new hire lol. Its for when you already have an established relationship with your coworkers. I hate this myth/rumor about new teachers having to bring in omiyage.

  6. That really is a very nice thought, but trust me it’s not worth it. Interac isn’t really known for its sociable atmosphere. It’s not that kind of work culture. People may look at you with a puzzled expression.

    If it were a more normal company and business situation, omiage is a great idea. This is not the situation or the time to be giving gifts. Also gift giving can be a delicate thing in Japan and you have to read the situation appropriately. Don’t forget that while gift giving is an important custom in Japan giving tips or gifts for seemingly no reason is frowned upon, particularly when they aren’t even your “friends”…yet

  7. Hey mate! I wouldn’t worry too much about this. Save space in your bag for stuff you need

    No one expects omiyage from you and certainly not the moment you arrive. They’ll understand you have a thing or two on your mind

    Use that time. I found out my teachers were interested in a bakery near me so I went and got something from there for them

    Edit: As to amount – just enough for important folk, the people you’ll be working closest with and, imo, anyone who handles your paperwork and pay 😂 Save your money for your actual needs. If you do want to get something for everyone, one or two small pieces of candy work great

    Also handwritten notes on cute stationery are really appreciated it seems 🤣

  8. Pop Tarts? What is it with you Americans and Pop Tarts?

    I remember when the Americans bombed Afghanistan. They decided dropping caseloads of Pop Tarts for displaced victims of the bombing would be a good idea.

  9. So here’s the thing. Each school has a certain amount of employees. I have two schools. One with 44 and the other with 29. I brought candies and it wasn’t enough so I ended up buying omiyage here. Omiyage is everywhere.

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