Making a my number card for ¥20,000

Can you still make receive ¥20,000 for making a my number card? I read it a few months ago, but I’m not sure if the offer still applies. Thanks.

  1. I believe that campaign ended on March 1 (or slightly before). I know that my husband waited until the very last minute to apply, but I don’t remember the exact date.

  2. Applying for the *points* has been extended until September because the processing time needed for city halls to send the fucking cards is ridiculous (my ward is saying as long as a 4 month wait from application submission.)

    Applying for the *card* itself so you qualify for the offer ended on February 28.

  3. Thanks for making this post. I had totally forgotten to do it myself and it reminded me! I think I’m all set on steps 1 and 2 just need to too up and figure out the public money account thingy

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