Mercedes gear has been on point every single show.

Mercedes gear has been on point every single show.

  1. We’re missing the important talking point – the possessive of “Mercedes.” Would it be Mercedes’ or Mercedes’s? Grammar Slam fans need to know.

    Edit: I respect OP for typing out the description, maybe having the same conundrum, and deciding to just go with Mercedes. I don’t know what I would have done. One of life’s great dilemmas.

  2. I think njpw could certainly take a few pointers from the sister promotion on things like entrance presentation. Slk always presents really well too

  3. She feels like she is a big fangirl having a blast wrestling in Japan. Side note, she is so drop dead gorgeous she can pull off any look.

  4. I’m really happy that she seems to be happy. She’s always been one of my favorite wrestlers.

  5. To be fair though, her husband is a wrestling gear designer for WWE, so I’m sure she got him working overtime to make her look good too.

  6. If only she worked on her her in-ring work as much as she did her aesthetic.

    Anybody who’s actually been watching her Japan run cannot tell me she hasn’t been sloppy as hell in every appearance so far.

    And granted she was never the smoothest in the WWE either, but I didn’t realize how much the agents were saving her from herself there.

  7. She looks free and happy. Whatever she does, she will be amazing. I just hope her empowerment and happiness follow her as well.

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