What jobs do you guys work upside of tech, teaching, and engineering?

It seems like everyone here works in these fields. I’d love to hear out other opportunities

  1. This is a copy of your post for archive/search purposes.

    **What jobs do you guys work upside of tech, teaching, and engineering?**

    It seems like everyone here works in these fields. I’d love to hear out other opportunities

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  2. Foreigners work in practically any field in Japan (except for the civil service for obvious reasons). I have a foreign friend who is a landscape designer. There are foreign lawyers, foreign business developers, foreign people at the conveyor belt for conbini bentos (this will not give you a visa).

  3. There are opportunities in Japan for almost every field you can imagine. It all boils down to:

    1. How good are you at whatever you do. Some don’t need a lot of skills or pedigree (e.g. english teaching)
    2. How much Japanese do you know. Some jobs require a lot, some don’t (e.g. tech and english teaching don’t require Japanese)
    3. What gives you the right to be in Japan (e.g. do they need to sponsor your visa or not)

    If you’re asking, “I am fluent in Japanese, have a great pedigree in whatever I currently do, and I want to move to Japan”, well, there are likely many options for you.

    If you’re asking, “I don’t know any Japanese, but I have a degree in computer science”, then the answer is “tech”.

    If you’re asking, “I don’t know any Japanese, and I got my degree in communications/marketing/psychology/sociology/basket weaving”, then English teacher is for you.

    If you’re asking, “I don’t know any Japanese and I don’t have my degree”, then get your degree.

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