Wanting to study in Tokyo

I’m sophmore in high school and I’m about to start IB in my later years, I’m really fond of economics and I plan to hopefully study it in Tokyo,

I checked out some programs, and the PEARL program in english looks generally promising, and the department of management at sophia looks good too

I’m not sure whether or not I should fully commit to trying to move to the place, I visited for 2 weeks over christmas, and it was really wonderful, but every post here goes “living in a place is different from holidaying”

I’m not very strict on a budget, economically I’m viable to study abroad, even in major cities like tokyo, but asside from japan my likely other option is maybe singapore?

Any thoughts on this plan? Half the sub’s posts are exactly this, but I’m not sure if everything applies to everyone’s situation, I’d appreciate any input on this, thanks 🙂

  1. This is a copy of your post for archive/search purposes.

    **Wanting to study in Tokyo**

    I’m sophmore in high school and I’m about to start IB in my later years, I’m really fond of economics and I plan to hopefully study it in Tokyo,

    I checked out some programs, and the PEARL program in english looks generally promising, and the department of management at sophia looks good too

    I’m not sure whether or not I should fully commit to trying to move to the place, I visited for 2 weeks over christmas, and it was really wonderful, but every post here goes “living in a place is different from holidaying”

    I’m not very strict on a budget, economically I’m viable to study abroad, even in major cities like tokyo, but asside from japan my likely other option is maybe singapore?

    Any thoughts on this plan? Half the sub’s posts are exactly this, but I’m not sure if everything applies to everyone’s situation, I’d appreciate any input on this, thanks 🙂

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  2. I’m not quite sure what specific questions you have, but it might be helpful to be clear to yourself about what your long-term career goals are. It’s hard to assess your plan without that info.

    Then you can ask yourself how a degree from one of these Japanese programs is better (or worse!) than a degree from an institution in your home country. In many cases, you may be better served by going to university in your home country and doing “study abroad” (aka being a foreign exchange student) in Japan for a year if you want the experience of studying in Japan.

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