Statement of Physician Form Worries

So, I’m a bit worried about how my statement of physician form was filled out. I understand that the form states that I am supposed to fill out the section that wants me to list my medical condition. I didn’t think to fill out that section of the form our before handing it to my doctor to fill out the form for me, and my doctor ended up filling out the medical condition name section for me. Also, my doctor used doctor’s shorthand in the form. Do you think that I possibly be rejected by JET because of this?

  1. the fact your doctor filled it shouldn’t be too much of an issue but the shorthand could be if it’s totally unreadable. some shorthand could be fine especially if it’s really common things!
    Anyway, normally if a document is faulty (in a way that can be fixed) the JET office will contact you and give you a chance to re-submit it.

  2. My doctor also filled out the list of medical conditions area of the document, which I am not worried about at all, honestly. However, since I’ve never been officially diagnosed with anything (to my knowledge), I didn’t feel comfortable filling out that section in case I over-exaggerated or under-exaggerated the case. When I initially submitted the form, I did receive a message from JET informing me that I forgot to fill out my name, which I completed and re-submitted. However, they made no mention to the doctor filling out the medical condition. So, I wouldn’t worry about that particular issue.

  3. My doctor completely didn’t list any of my actual prescriptions. Just stated that I was an anti-depressants and anti-anxietys during covid lockdown and was now recovered and cleared. I tried to book another appointment for her to fix it but she was on vacation for two months after that 🙃 so I just hope me explaining it in my portion of the application was enough. I have anxiety over it being the reason I don’t get selected.

  4. I think my doctor filled out the whole form. or at least most of it. I might have written my name and phone number, but I can’t quite remember.
    Also, in the original application, I had forgotten to mention that I had malaria like 8 years prior. I wrote a note explaining why my doctor put malaria on my statement of physician, but it had just slipped my mind with the original application, being so long ago. And that I didn’t have malaria anymore. The embassy gave me a phone call to ask about it, I explained a little more thoroughly, and that was it.

    If they have a question, they will contact you about it. But if the form is (somewhat) understandable, and you’re able to answer questions about it, I wouldn’t worry about who actually filled it out.
    (for context I was Canada, Calgary Embassy)

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