Conveyor Belt Sushi Lunch in Tokyo (near Shibuya Crossing)

Conveyor Belt Sushi Lunch in Tokyo (near Shibuya Crossing)

  1. Looks SO good. Thank you for sharing. My husband and I dream of going to Japan with our son one day and eating just like this.

  2. What’s the total for all the plates? I’m always curious what they cost. The different plates are different prices, right?

  3. I had dinner here last month during my trip to Japan! The 45 minute wait was absolutely worth it. The atmosphere was so lively. It was also super cheap. I live in Mumbai where sushi is always super fine dining and costs a bomb. This was half of what I’d have to pay for the same amount of food.

  4. There used to be a lot of sushi train places (that’s what we call them) in Australia, I’d go there for birthdays and other semi major celebrations so semi regularly, and that’s where my love of sushi came from (partly, the other reason is when my mom would pick me up from school she’d take me to a mall and we’d get a roll or two of sushi for afternoon tea sometimes).

    But when COVID hit, they all put wooden boards over their conveyor belts and became order-only. It’s been over 3 years and they still haven’t switched back, I think they might be gone for good :/. I’ve been trying to search for places that still have their belts running but no reviews are up to date, so whenever we plan to go somewhere it’s disappointment when we get there and see the belt is stopped.

    I noticed that too with the Yum-Cha places near me, most places used to be run with trolleys roaming the floor going table to table and you’d grab what you like but now a lot of the places are going iPad ordering only.

    I love the spontaneity of sushi trains and yum cha trolleys. It’s not an image on a menu, you can see it and smell it and if you want it you can grab it but be quick before it’s gone. I’d end up with a wider variety of foods that I wouldn’t normally try (stick to the safe options when ordering from a menu) and generally end up eating/spending more because I didn’t have a bill slowly counting up telling me “you’re spending too much”.

  5. Looking to go to this place in May as I’m staying in the area. Looks like you liked it!

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