Online Japanese course that offers college credits? (Summer would be preferable)


I’ve been trying to find a online Japanese learning class that offers college credit? (Specifically during this summer.)
All of the colleges around me that offer JPN classes are an hour plus away, and I am unsure if the offer online courses for it. My current uni/college doesn’t offer Japanese, but I am going into a career that Japanese would benefit me.

I am located in Kentucky, so any help would be appriciated! It looks like University of Kentucky offers it but not during the summer.

I may have to suck it up and just do something in the fall, but any assistance would be appreciated!

  1. Meet with a counselor at your school. Just because you manage to find an online college course doesn’t mean your school will necessarily accept the credits.

  2. UCLA summer session has online Japanese classes, also check the California community colleges – Santa Monica College has an online class in the evenings (though the Pacific time won’t really work in your favor unless you’re a night owl). Good luck!

  3. Coursera has 2 Japanese courses starting this month. Japanese 1 and 2. You can audit for free or get a certificate for each class for $50.

    I’m currently auditing one of them. It’s through the University of Tokyo.

    Sometimes they have revolving classes and sometimes you can take the class for the certificate after the start date so it might be something to look into if your college accepts Coursera.

  4. DONT DO IT ANAKIN!!!! Self study Anki and having inputs with yomichan to Anki translations is the way. Adding in Grammar through Anki too

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