Second time ALTs.

Hi everyone, I was wondering if it’s possible or if anyone has had a second go at being an ALT in Japan. I worked for Interac during the 2020-2021 school year in Ishinomaki, Miyagi but chose not to renew my contract due to the fact that it was at the height of the pandemic. I had positive experiences with my branch but I have heard things about other branches being not so good. At any rate, does interac accept past employees who haven’t renewed their contract? Also, does having worked as an ALT help with getting into other teaching positions/companies? I’ve also studied abroad during university for a year and a half total at Aoyama Gakuin and Waseda. Are there any recommendations? I apologize if this is a rediculous question, but I appreciate any feedback.

  1. I’ve known some people who did JET twice, and I’m planning on reapplying this year myself. The only way you’ll know for sure is if you try.

  2. i did interac twice. the devil you know, i guess. worked for two years at the Yokohama branch, left for three years to have a baby and whatnot, and applied again and got rehired.

  3. I’m not sure why you would do that. There would be much less “magic” the second time and your efforts would be better spent on forging a career path beyond “assistant”. You’re probably at the age where you need to start thinking about things like career path, professional development, savings, investments etc

  4. I take it you’re no longer in Japan? ALTing again may be your easiest ticket back.

  5. If you look at job sites they are always looking , not only interac. I don’t see why they’d reject. I’d say having done it before is a plus.

  6. Tell them you loved being an ALT and wanted to do another year but COVID hit.

    Tell them you liked it so much you want to come back (obviously) and that’s why you’re applying.

    Get a letter of recommendation from a coworker at the schools you taught at. You should be very competitive.

  7. > At any rate, does interac accept past employees who haven’t renewed their contract?

    IMO they probably do, assuming you really wanna go with them. Others likely wouldn’t give a toss.

    > Also, does having worked as an ALT help with getting into other teaching positions/companies?

    Probably not TBH. I reckon the ideal candidate is somebody who’s fresh and excited about getting to know Japan. Experience can be a negative. That said, I doubt it would be a deal breaker.

  8. >does interac accept past employees who haven’t renewed their contract?

    As long as you completed your contract, didn’t cause problems during your stay and left in good standing. I don’t really see why they wouldn’t hire you again.

    >does having worked as an ALT help with getting into other teaching positions/companies?

    Yes and no. Usually the only time where being an ALT or having experience helps is when

    1. You are applying for a direct hire ALT position requires x amount of years experience as an ALT.
    2. When your current CO like you so much they decide to hire you on as a direct hire ALT
    3. In **extremely rare** cases when the CO like you so much they sponsor you a special or provisional license and hire you on as a teacher (you will also need to meet the requirements for that prefecture).

    otherwise its like experience working at McDonalds, it all depends on how well you can sell the soft skills you learned on the job.

  9. I’m pretty sure most of the companies will take you back unless you were highly unpleasant for the office staff, or you left on bad terms.

    Your reason for leaving shouldn’t bother the hiring person as it’s very reasonable, as long as you didn’t dip out in the middle of the school year on short notice.

    Source: I quit one on principle, then went crawling back a few months later and was rehired (in a different city).

  10. I went through Interac for one year and then left to go home for one year. My grandparents were reaching the stage where everyday was uncertain. It was fortunate timing that I went back because within a year, all 4 grandparents passed. While it was unfortunate of their passing, I’m happy that my timing let me be there in the last moments and support my parents in their time of need. After working a few jobs to keep busy and build back up my bank account, I decided to come back.

    For the second time, I directly contacted the branch I worked for previously. I had a good experience there and the feelings were mutual. They told me to put my application through the regular system but put down a few extra comments about the former branch. My application was put on the fast track and the second time I came there was no need for an interview or anything. Directly to visa work. Came back and have been living in Japan ever since.

    While I do not work for Interac anymore, I am grateful for the opportunity they gave me to come to Japan.

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