Hows the JET program so far?

I recently applied to the jet program this past November and awaiting their response for 2023. I am also taking a trip to Japan on the 14th this month and hoping I can speak to some current or former jets about their experience that are still in Japan. I am willing to travel to you if you can make some time for us to meet. I genuinely want to hear first hand experience of the program through a conversation.

If you are around Tokyo, Sapporo, Nagano, Nagoya, Kyoto, or Osaka, please feel free to comment or message me. I can also get you coffee or tea for your time. Thank you for your time!

  1. I’m enjoying it but it’s hardly a job lol. I wouldn’t call what I’m doing “work” but it’s an awesome way to see local Japan and work on yourself personally and professionally in your copious free time.

  2. I would recommend joining some JET discord servers to chat to people first, it’s also a great way to see people posting day to day jet life.

  3. >If you are around Tokyo, Sapporo, Nagano, Nagoya, Kyoto, or Osaka, please feel free to comment or message me

    very inaka, you’ll never find anyone there

  4. I’m a bit far from Kyoto but if you head over to amanohashidate for any reason I can meet up with you and show you the countryside life. It’s about 2 hours from Kyoto station

  5. This isnt my first job teaching English abroad, so I enjoy it a lot. Since I already had experience and I was able to prove to some of my japanese teachers of English that I am capable in the classroom, I do my own lessons. Kids are awesome, I do middle school. I was able to study a lot during Covid and learned japanese during my time here, and I’ve noticed an improvement in my relationship with my coworkers and students who don’t study English that well. I just recontracted for my fifth and last year. Enjoying every moment

  6. You’ll probably get responses from urban JETs (living in the places you mentioned) which isn’t really representative of the program as a whole. Most of us are inaka. I mean I saw Kyoto prefecture on my placement and quickly found out that the prefecture is a whole lot bigger than just Kyoto city lol

  7. I’m in Tokyo. My first time teaching in Japan but 5th year teaching in general. I have a lot more grading in this job. I have to prepare during breaks in the school year. I work with 1 other ALT and also one part time english teacher. I usually lead the class except when I share 8 classes with my ALT. I make my own work schedule and prepare my own lessons. That’s about it. If you have any other questions let me know.

  8. Hi! If you are still looking to meet or talk to people, I’d be happy to talk to you! Especially about inaka placement since that’s what my life has been for the last year! Feel free to send me a DM!

  9. I teach at a high school in Hokkaido and also visit 4 other schools. I’ve had a good experience so far – I’ve met some great people and been able to do some exciting things. I’ve learnt a lot about myself in the process, too. Regarding work, I had a good few months of doing very little, which was very frustrating. I would repeatedly ask to be involved in more classes and attempt to be more involved, to no avail. A teacher was off for an appointment on time and asked me to take her class. Some of the English teachers turned up to watch, and from there I became involved in loads more lessons. I now plan and teach 6 lessons a week for 3rd year students at my base school. If I have visit schools I will be planning and teaching up to 12 lessons a week. The rest of the time I am supporting in classes, so I’m busy now which I’m happy about. I have had teaching experience before which has definitely helped with lesson planning as I don’t use a textbook (the class is English Communication). Anyway, if you have any questions feel free to DM. Good luck

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