Help with remembering vocabulary

Hi! I’ve been struggling with remembering certain words, even after using Anki decks and reading. I feel my learning style is more audio-visual so I would like to know if you have any suggestions. i am around N4 level currently.

I know you guys live by anki but it’s just not working for me 🙁
Thanks in advance!

  1. I think you might benefit from beginner friendly immersion. The Tofugu website has a ton of [resources]( Look for the ones that are tagged with video or YouTube. Regarding anki, why do you think it hasn’t worked for you? I’m curious about your setup. Not sure if you’ve tried it but maybe adding images to your cards could help.

  2. Give Renshuu a try. It plays the pronunciation of a word after you pick your answer and a lot of the words also have a picture as well. The questions are also multiple choice so there is less decision fatigue.

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