Salary intel for data analysts

*throwaway account, dont wanna risk doxxing

hi everybody, I am currently interviewing at a japanese tech company, one of the more western leaning progressive ones (LINE, rakuten, paypay, Mercari and Paidy).

I have 6 years experience and my title is currently senior BI analyst that honestly could also become DA, BA etc. Worked for 2 multinational ecommerce

The position I am applying for is Senior level and I am wondering about the salary expectations. I saw glassdoor and non seniors could earn around 7-9m per year, however im not sure how old that data is and frankly theres not enough data sample size (1-2 reported only)

I lurk around here and saw senior level engineers could earn up to 18-20m per year at these companies and i wonder if it will be a tall ask if i say my expectation is 12m per year for a senior data analyst with my level of experience?

I was told by the recruiter to expect an offer fyi so thats why i wanted to prep for potential negotiations

  1. This is a copy of your post for archive/search purposes.

    **Salary intel for data analysts**

    *throwaway account, dont wanna risk doxxing

    hi everybody, I am currently interviewing at a japanese tech company, one of the more western leaning progressive ones (LINE, rakuten, paypay, Mercari and Paidy).

    I have 6 years experience and my title is currently senior BI analyst that honestly could also become DA, BA etc. Worked for 2 multinational ecommerce

    The position I am applying for is Senior level and I am wondering about the salary expectations. I saw glassdoor and non seniors could earn around 7-9m per year, however im not sure how old that data is and frankly theres not enough data sample size (1-2 reported only)

    I lurk around here and saw senior level engineers could earn up to 18-20m per year at these companies and i wonder if it will be a tall ask if i say my expectation is 12m per year for a senior data analyst with my level of experience?

    I was told by the recruiter to expect an offer fyi so thats why i wanted to prep for potential negotiations

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  2. I’m not in your field so can’t comment on salary range, but have you tried the Japanese equivalents to Glassdoor like Lighthouse, 転職会議 and Openwork? You’re not going to find much about a Japanese company on an American platform. Hope you find someone with similar experience somewhere, and good luck!

  3. One thing you need to be aware of is that salary negotiation isn’t as big of a thing here as it is in the west.

    There is certainly *some* flex, especially with the big tech companies, but probably not as much as you might be hoping for.

    If you get an offer at 8 million, there’s *no way in hell* you’re going to talk that up to 12 million. That’s a 50% salary increase. Unless you are the greatest data analyst who has ever run a database (in which case you’d be writing your own ticket anyways) that wouldn’t fly anywhere in the world, much less in Japan.

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