How to memorize more kanjis and words?


in December 2022 i’ve succesfully passed N4 level and I think I already know well something like 300-400 kanjis (how to write them, most common readings and words). Until now my study method for kanjis is mainly Anki: I have the english meaning, the answer is a list of japanese words for that kanji and I write the kanji down on paper.

Obviously this has now become very time consuming to say the least… so I’m looking for some alternative method to keep on memorizing new words and kanjis. I feel like just keep on reading japanese graded readings could be not enough. Maybe I should also keep a list of the most “difficult to memorize” kanjis and review only them on Anki?

What do you think, any suggestions?

By the way, my next goal is to try N3 next December (even if it could be too early maybe..)

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