Root canal help

Hi all

I’ve done a search for root canals on the sub but wasn’t able to find the exact info I’m looking for.

Long story short I went to a dentist in Motoazabu for a cleaning. They found a cavity under my filling and removed it, but I guess they went too close to the tooth and as a result I’ve had too sensitivity and pain for the last 2-3 weeks. The dentist said I might need a root canal to get rid of the pain.

I’ve never had a root canal before (never thought I would either!) and I’ve read horror stories about dentists here.

My dentist said it would take about 7-8 sessions to finish the root canal. Is this normal??

Also, are there any specific questions I should ask before settling on where to do it? Questions regarding their procedures, equipment, method etc.

Any information that could be useful in helping prevent a bad choice would be greatly appreciated.

  1. I just had a root canal treatment this year. I was also afraid of the dental horror stories. Granted every dentist office is different but I have to say, it was painless and great.

    It will take several visits because they only do about a half hour at a time. Just how it is here. That said I probably paid about 2万 man total including silver crown.

    The first visits were mainly treating the infection. Then there were visits for individually cleaning each root. One visit I think they cleaned two roots. Then of course the measuring for the crown and then getting crown placed on.

    I wish they could have done it all in 3 or 4 visits instead of several, but I think the treatment and price were really good. And this is coming who has had constant dental work over the years in America.

    I don’t really think you need to ask questions finding a good place. Just maybe don’t go to a place that looks like it is from Showa era or something? I went to a place that actually had not too high of a rating on google, but my pain actually happened on New Year’s Eve so the places open then were really slim pickings. It was at a decent sized station in a nice building on the far west side of Tokyo (fuchu) where I live. And after a few visits I got an English speaking dentist to handle the procedure and she was really great.

  2. I had mine done too in Japan.

    It took indeed 7/8 sessions at least, similar price than above comment (20,000 yen) and I won’t lie to you:

    The worst pain I have ever felt in my life.

    I guess that had to kill the nerves or whatever, and despite the heavy anesthesia, it hurts like a bitch. That was one session though.

  3. I’ve had a few root canals here in Japan: none was painful except when the dentist was cleaning out the root area. That pain, however, was in my jaw from having to keep my mouth open for so long. I was prescribed pain medication, but never needed it. I didn’t even bother filling the prescription after the first time.

  4. 7-8 sessions is “normal” for Japan, since they split the sessions and take several sessions to clean, put in the temporary mold, change it a few times, and finally finish by putting in the permanent mold. If you start feeling like they’re dragging it out for too long, push them to finish treatment – I had to do that when I got tired of coming in every week for almost two months. The root canal cleaning was painful af, but nothing you can’t survive. Just power through.

  5. I’d recommend you try Hitomi Dental Clinic for a second opinion. I got what I’d expect of a dentist visit in America from them, and they won’t jerk you around the way Japanese dentists will.

    I got several fillings done with them in a rush and they were great. I can’t guarantee you’ll get a different answer for the root canal though. Was super happy with them and would have continued to go with them if I hadn’t moved north.

  6. My husband is a dentist so I always ask him about the dentist horror stories that get posted here and they’re basically BS. He said the number of visits you need for a root canal depends on what the specific problem is. He said 7-8 sessions is not unusual depending on the nature of the problem in need of treatment.

  7. I just finished my root canal two weeks ago. It took 10 sessions. I think very recently something changed with insurance and it covered porcelain fillings and crowns so everything cost about 3万 (side note my dentist also switched all my silver fillings to porcelain which took an extra 3 sessions and 1万). So ask if you can get a white crown because I went to a place in Yokohama and it was either silver or pay 13万 for ceramic, this was 2 years ago.

    The first session I was numbed up and they did the initial drilling and cleaning. No pain.

    The next 4-5 appointments they didn’t use any numbing but they take this tiny hair width brush and stick it into the canals. My first root canal they hit a remaining nerve and my reflexes ripped the guys hand out my mouth it was so painful. The one I just finished was at a different clinic and he was a lot more gentle so it didn’t hurt at all.

    The rest of the appointments where doing the filling, removing the remaining tooth, creating a mold and choosing the color of the crown and fitting the crown.

    As I said they don’t numb you after the first appointment but if it starts hurting badly you can always request it

  8. Literally just had my second one this year. It’s not as awful as I thought. They do it in sessions depending on how bad it is. My first one earlier this year took 2 sessions to fix up, and 2 more for the crown which is really expensive if you go for a ceramic crown.

    This second root canal will be 3 sessions to fix up (first session done this Tuesday) due to an abcess in the gum.

  9. I’ve had two root canals done here, they both failed after a couple of years, got reinfected. It was extremely painful and I had to have them both taken out. When consulting with a top private dentist in the UK, I was told that dentists shouldn’t be doing root canals, they are very difficult to do. You should go to en endodontist, someone specialized in root canal treatment who does them all day every day.

  10. I lost a tooth thanks to the ridiculously short sessions, After 3 visits over several weeks to one dentist, the tooth still wasn’t finished, and I was in agony.

    After one more visit, I gave up and went to another dentist and they still didn’t finish the job, a few days later, the unfinished, hollow tooth shattered while eating soft food.

    After they finally removed what was left, I got a plug fitted to fit one of those hideous silver caps, to replace the tooth, and that took weeks because it didn’t fit in my gums correctly, In the end I gave up and still just have the plug in my jaw.

    The fact they leave you for weeks with a hollowed out fragile tooth that’s temporarily filled with something the consistency of chewing gum doesn’t help at all.

  11. I’ve had several root canals in Japan. They were not painful at all (unlike having my wisdom teeth removed…).

    I don’t think mine took 7-sessions. Maybe 4-5? It will depend entirely on your dentist. My dentist isn’t fantastic, but is good. It shouldn’t be expensive unless you want a ceramic or plastic crown – those aren’t covered by national insurance.

  12. I’ve had 8 and i think it took about that long too.

    My hated part was that stinky stick paper medicine thing they shove down the tooth ugh and the drilling & vacuuming makes my head hurt (even thinking about it makes my head hurt)

  13. Had a root canal and believe it was 3-4 trips. Actually don’t know it was a root canal until after- no pain.

    But unfortunately the toothe became a problem with abscess around 4 years later. Suburban dentist

  14. I had one done in Japan. It wasn’t so bad but I had to go back many times. I’m always impressed at how little pain is involved.

  15. ” My dentist said it would take about 7-8 sessions to finish the root canal. Is this normal?? ”

    What the actual fuck? It took one session back in my country. Maybe you mean it will take that long to make the cover for the teeth? I recall not having that teeth for around two weeks.

  16. I’ve had two root canals done here after experiencing what was the worst tooth pain in my life. I chose the dentist clinic based on reviews online. There’s plenty of websites you can check to see what people are saying, and if the place looks modern it’s a plus.

    So far the worst thing was the amount of times I had to go there to get my tissue/nerve inside the tooth cleaned but it was necessary and couldn’t be all done in one go. The 7-8 sessions you were told is a normal amount, I definitely had more since mine was 2 teeth. I remember it took me like a month and half or so to get everything finished. Money-wise you can get a very cheap metal crown but a tooth colored resin? one will cost around 5man ish and I remember I paid around 10man for both teeth. You can choose a crown later on during the procedure and you usually get some sort of warranty as well

    The procedure didn’t hurt that much except the first time when he hit the nerve and it wasn’t fully “dead” but the pain it lasted like 10 seconds which is nothing compared to not being able to sleep for 2 weeks prior due to pain. The reason it took 2 weeks for him to start the procedure was the tooth being rotten from the inside with no visible outside damage so he tried regular medicine before going all in with root canal

  17. Motoazabu hills dental clinic is very good. I did my root canal there and it was way cheaper than what i would have paid in the US or Europe. FYI i had 3 root canals because both Europe and the US f’d it up. Japan one was perfect, no pain anymore. The European one just straight up didnt finish it. The US one left a metal rod in my tooth to rust, that’s when Motoazabu hills dental clinic came to my rescue.

    Dentist had to drill blind behind my front tooth and remove the rod, again, blind as they cant get both the mirror and the tweezer there in that tooth without extracting my entire tooth. It took 7-8 times and each took 20-40 minutes.

    It’s also likely that the cavity had eaten a hole in your tooth that exposed your roots, thus causing pain.

  18. My wife had tooth pain last week. Went to a tokyo dentist, he diagnosed it as needing a root canal straight away and did it on the spot. He then gave her a temp filling and she is going back for a cap this week. 2 sessions and done.

    Also, very cheap and painless. Let me know if you want the dentists name.

  19. Literally going through my first one now as well.

    First visit they did some X ray, removed the cavity and all decayed teeth and did the root canal itself. (around 1h 30 minutes)

    Second visit last week, they gave the tooth shape and checked with me if there was pain or any issue, and made the mold of the tooth for my crown. (around 1h)

    Third visit will be in a week and they will put the crown, which I chose to be zirconia.


    Total will come up to 7万円, but it could have been as low as 2万円 if I had gone for the fix covered by the national insurance (which isn’t as durable or pretty).

  20. Can’t comment on root canal but can on that dentist at Motoazabu Hills. My family and I have been using him for the past year and found he’s excellent.

  21. 7-8 sessions sounds like your dentist is using National Health Insurance.
    If you want to have it done in 2-3 seatings and have the money, go to a dentist that exclusively takes cash only (no insurance). They most likely will have an updated technology as opposed to dentist that works on national health insurance which doesn’t allow newer things.

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