Tottori, any recommended things to do, to eat?

Planning a trip there in late May for work, but wanna stay for a bit to see the sights, do the gaijin locals have any good recs?

  1. I live in Okayama, but that’s close enough that I’ve done a day trip to Tottori. You’ve gotta see the sand museum (sand *sculpture* museum, it should be called but isn’t) and take a walk on the dunes. There’s a pretty cool castle too.

    I’ve been wanting to go a second time, but then covid hit and I haven’t done much travel since. Hope some other locals can help more, what I just suggested is the pretty obvious stuff. That said, those things are darn cool anyway, so…

  2. Def the dunes, but maybe also down a little more to see Mt Daisen? And if you enjoy shrines/temples, go a little more still to Izumo.

  3. Can you tell us what kind of food you want to eat? Do you want to see museum type sights, or nature sights? Do you have time to travel? From Tottori city to Yonago city is an hour and a half away, so although Tottori is a small prefecture, if you want to sightsee, you may need a couple of days.

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