I got hit on in the train via airdrop

This has never ever happened to me before and I am just extremely curious if this happened to anyone else. If it is ”a thing” here in Japan.

Basically, I was sitting in the train and noticed a woman staring at me. She kind of looked angry (in hindsight maybe just resting btchface), so I thought my music was too loud and I had offended her. I quickly lowered the volume of my headset, but noticed she was still staring. I just ignored it, but all of a sudden I receive an airdrop – well: everyone in the train with that enabled got it. I just figured ”wonder what fun pic this is” so I accepted. It was just a photo with a white background that said ”Hi”. I just shrugged it off and kept browsing my phone, but then a few minutes passes and another airdrop. This time, a line QR code. Once again sent to everyone.

I figured I would accept it, and it was that same woman who had been staring at me, and I asked what kind of stalker she is, and had a laugh about it. She had left the train by the time I got that qr code, she must have sent it right when stepping out of train.

In the end she was just a normal person who wanted some way to ask me out, but without pushing people away and approaching me in person on the train.

Like I said in the beginning, I am genuinely curious if this is a thing here? I have never been hit on before in public, let alone in this way.

  1. The only things I’ve ever got through airdrop was dick pics.

    How old is your iOS install? Airdrop privacy has been changed to ‘contacts only’ since ~~at least iOS 15~~ iOS16.2. Which dramatically reduced the number of unsolicited dick pics.

    And you can no longer have it set to “everyone” because it only keeps that setting for like 10? minutes then goes back to contacts.

    edit: version difference

  2. it could be promoting nightlife (sexual) activities… that’s why it’s not her “hitting on you” alone instead the QR code is sent to everyone who may be a potential customer.

  3. I’ve been hit on twice on the train in the past year.

    Both were gay Japanese guys (I’m very straight). ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)

    I did have a couple of young girls sit across from me on a long train ride back home (next to last train). I was kinda dozing off, but one of them got up as the other left and sat next to me (empty car) and promptly went to sleep on my shoulder for the next 30 minutes.

    So I guess it happens.

  4. I’ve heard it happening not only here. It’s good to limit your airdrop to only by choice

  5. You’re not supposed to talk to strangers, Airdrop or not.

    Stranger Danger, with J.J. Bittenbinder!

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