Can I obtain a dependent visa if I follow my husband with a Student visa from a Japanese Language School?


After a fantastic experience in WHV, we want to go back to Japan. **Our plan is for my husband to get a student visa in a Japanese language school and for me to follow him on a dependent visa.**

I was sure it was possible to get a dependent visa with this setup. Still, I’m seeing a few resources that say that **it only works for students in Universities** (to pursue a Master for instance) because Languages schools can’t issue a CoE for dependents.

Do you know anything about this?

Sorry if this question has been asked already. I didn’t find anything. Thank you!

Edit: I prefer to mention that we don’t want to abuse the system in any way. This is a genuine question, and now I see it may be naive 🙂

  1. Your husband can apply for dependent COE for you after he arrived in Japan.

    But as a language school student, I don’t think the COE will be approved.

  2. How is he meant to support you when he can’t work full time? And neither can you? I don’t think it makes sense that students can have dependants, because, y know, they’re meant to be depend on you. Financially. I’m not sure if you’re going to be able to find the answer you want, because I’m not sure it exists. Why don’t you also go in for language school?


    It says here specifically that the dependent visa for language courses only works for universities, not language schools.

    Edited to add: In addition, there is this post from 2014 about working on a dependent visa for a foreign company. In short, the Japanese government has no way of tracking your work hours for an overseas company. Those here who claim it is illegal should provide sources, or otherwise maybe avoid being so confrontational to someone asking a legit question.

  4. If you could do that, every other foreigner would be doing it lol. There are no such thing as loopholes. Only the legal way. No immigration or government wants to give people long term stay if people have not put into social welfare and without a record or stability in terms of contributing to social tax system, stable employment, etc..

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