Travel report January 27th to February 19th 2023

Travel report with important tips and tricks

Firstly, ignore my grammatical errors. This will be a long trip report with essential tips and tricks.

We are a couple, and both are 28 years of age. We stayed in Japan for 22 days.


Tokyo – Sotetsu Fresa Inn Tokyo Kinshicho

Kyoto – Rinn Horikawa Gojo

Sapporo – Park Hotel

We reserved a room at Sotetsu Fresa Inn Tokyo Kinshicho for 21 nights. The price difference in checking out, changing hotels and taking all of our stuff whilst we were in Kyoto or Sapporo wasn’t worth it (like 70€ of difference).

Before parting we’ve completed the immigration procedure, the customs procedure and the Covid-19 vaccination procedure on the Japanese goverment website „Visit Japan Web“.

Also, before parting we bought the 21-day JRPass.

Day 0 (27th and 28th of January) – Kinshicho

Flew from Venice on the 27th of January 2023 at 7:00pm to Istambul (2:30 hours) the flight from Istambul to Tokyo (Haneda) on the 28th of January at 2:30am (Istambul time) took 11 hours. Arrived to Haneda airport at 7:30pm (Tokyo time). After landing it took us 30 min to go through the immigration, customs and Covid-19 vaccination procedure, and to take our bags. We flew with Turkish Airlines and our tickets allowed us to take 2 big suitcases (check-in) 1 carry-on and 1 bag per person. We reserved our 22 day pocket WIFI at „Ninja WIFI“ (the pick-up point is located 20m right from the information desk after exiting the arrival gate). Before arriving we reserved a taxi from Haneda to our hotel in Kinshicho through the Klook app.


\- try reserving a taxi at least one week before arriving (the prices will be cheaper)

\- during the reservation of the taxi it will say how many people can drive with the taxi and how much luggage is allowed (keep in mind that for example: 4 people and 4 suitcases means that 4 people can drive with the taxi and each one of them can take 1 suitcase, but, 2 people can take 3 suitcases each. One person equals one suitcase. Bags and carry-ons not included in the equation)

The drive from Haneda to Kinshicho took us 25 minutes. Arrived at the hotel. Checked in, and went to a 24/7 Mc’Donalds in front of Kinshicho station. The station is located 150m from the hotel.

Day 1 (29th of January) – Ueno

At 8:30am we were at Tokyo station where we activated our JRPass. The train ride from Kinshicho station to Tokyo station took us 8 minutes.


\- when activating your JRPass keep in mind that you’ll decide when the start date will be (you can activate it on the 1st of a month but decide that the 3rd will be the start date)

\- the JRPass covers all the JR lines in Tokyo, outside Tokyo sometimes you’ll have to pay a reduced price for the ticket (Matsusaka-Nagoya)

\- during the activation try reserving the train seats for each destination you’ll travel to

\- keep in mind that you can reserve seats at the ticket machines or at any JR ticket office (each station has one or a few)

\- the JRPass is printed out on a paper ticket – DON’T LOSE IT – it cannot be reissued

After the activation of our JRPasses, we went to the Ueno market (Ameyoko). After eating, we went to the Ueno ZOO (tickets are cheap).


\- the giant panda requires a separate ticket to be bought

Exited the Ueno ZOO on the west side and went for a coffee to „サンクレスト“. From there we went on foot to Nezu Shrine (the shrine has a few houndred small tori gates). After the shrine went back to Ameyoko. Ate, and went to Akihabara. Arrived at Akihabara station at 8:30pm. Walked around Akihabara and at 10:00pm went back to the hotel.

Day 2 (30th of January) – Shibuya

Near our hotel is a 7-eleven and Vie de France bakery. Using the Tokyo Metro, we went to Shibuya. It took us 25 minutes by train. Arrived in Shibuya at 10:00am and took pictures in front of the Hatchiko statue. We were alone so we took as many pictures we wanted. Went to the department store „MODI“ (there was an anime exhibition on the 2F). After MODI we’ve been stopped by the smoking police and redirected to the nearest smoking spot.


\-smoking on the streets in Shibuya is prohibited

\-the Tokyo Metro is not covered by the JRPass

After the encounter with the smoking police, we went to Miyashita Park. At Miyashita Park we ate ice cream (Kith). Best ice cream that we had whilst in Japan. For lunch we went to the top floor (14F) of Shibuya Scremble Square and had a wonderfull view of the Shibuya Crossing. Parco building came after. Pokemon center, Nintendo store, Jump shop, etc. are located inside.


\- the Parco building has a few smoking zones inside

\- the coffee in the park on the top floor of Parco isn’t good

After Parco, we went to Animate and Mandarake which are located near the Parco building.


\- be careful when going to Mandarake. Their store is located in the basement and the stairs are narrow

\- also, be careful when going to Animate. The last time we went the down escalator was broken so we had to wait 30 minutes for the elevator (there aren’t any stairs)

At 7:30pm we’ve reserved tickets for the Shibuya Sky Observatory. The elevator that will get you to the observatory entrance floor is located on the left from the main entrance to Shibuya Scramble Square.


\- tickets can be bought online

Went to Mega Donkey. At 10:30pm went back to our hotel.

Day 3 (31st of January) – Kyoto

Our train for Kyoto was scheduled for 9:03am from Tokyo station (the Hikari 555).


\- the trip from Tokyo station to Kyoto station takes aprox. 2:30 hours

\- the Hikari train is covered by the JRPass, but the Nozomi train isn’t (time difference, the Nozomi is 15 minutes quicker)

\- Hikari has a smoking booth (just mention that you are a smoker when you reserve the seats)

Arrived to Kyoto station at 11:30am. Took a bus to Horikawa Gojo. Checked with the hotel, and went for a coffee to „Coffee Block“ (it’s a small caffe managed by an old lady – smoking is allowed). After coffee we went to Kyomizudera temple (entrance isn’t free). After Kyomizudera we went on foot trough Sannenzaka to Yasaka Koshindo Shrine and finaly to Gion-Shijo station. From Gion-Shijo station we went browsing the main streets looking for something to eat. Finally found a chain restourant called „Akakara“.


\- I suggest the hotpot

\- the hotpot size is for two people

\- the hotpot has entrails

Sat on a bus and went back to the hotel.


\- the buses become less frequent after 10:30pm

Day 4 (1st of February) – Kyoto (Arashiyama)

Sat on a bus and went to „Hanaikada“. Before arriving to Japan I reserved a daytrip plan at Hanaikada. Our reservation was at 11:00am.


\- Hanaikada lets you reserve a daytrip plan online

\- you can chose the lunch menu when making a reservation (typical Kyoto kaiseki cousine)

\- also, Hanaikada will let you rent out their private onsen (kashikiri onsen) for a cheap price (just mention it when making a reservation)

\- the lunch consists of a specified number of courses of Kyoto traditional cuisine (sea cucumbers, fish roe, sushi, tempura, etc.)

After our lunch, we went to the Monkey Park whose entrance is 20m from Hanaikada.


\- climbing the mountain and seeing the monkeys will take about 1 hour

From there we went on foot to the „Arashiyama bamboo forest“ (it’s quite close). From the bamboo forest, we took a bus to „Kinkaku-ji temple“. Arrived at 4:15pm.


\- the Kinkaku-ji temple closes for new visitors at 4:30pm

\- it’s best to see the temples right upon oppening or right before closing (less crowded)

After the temple we took a bus and went back to the center of Kyoto. As I wanted to eat some meat, we went to „Yakiniku Marutomi“ which is located on the floor 8F of „EDION“ (Kyoto – Kawaramachi Garden). Before bed we went to a bar near our hotel called „Mars Cafe“.

Day 5 (2nd of February) – Kyoto

Decided to go see the Kyoto International Manga Museum. Tickets for the museum are cheap.


\- the tickets are bought at a ticket vending machine inside the museum

\- taking photos inside the museum isn’t allowed

After the museum we went to „Yasaka-jinja shrine“. There was the Setsubun ceremony at 1:00pm. Nishiki market came next. For lunch, we went to a pizzeria called „La Napoli“ which is located 15m after exiting Nishiki market.


\- Taccoyaki has bonito flakes on it, so the taste is pungent

\- Nishiki market is open till 5:00pm

\- the pizzeria is located on 2F next to KFC

\- the pizza is great

\- we went during lunch so 2 pizzas and two cokes were approx. 9€

From there we went to „Fushimi Inari Taisha“. Arrived at 5:00pm. Went up the trail and after one and a half hours decided to go back down.


\- the shrine can be visited whenever you want (it’s always open)

\- to complete the trail takes about 2:30 hours

Went back to center Kyoto and ate yakiniku at „Gyu-Kaku“.


\- Gyu-Kaku has 2 options for drinks and food (all you can drink for aprox. 500JPY or separate ordering, all you can eat for 90 minutes (3 courses from 2500 to 5700JPY) or separate ordering)

\- keep in mind that at Gyu-Kaku everyone in your group has to take the same option

\- the yakiniku was better at Marutomi but also more expensive

Day 6 (3rd of February) – Nara – Osaka

Had a train for Nara at 8:00am. Arrived at Nara station and took a bus to Nara park.


\- be careful of the deer. The bigger ones will start headbutting and biting you for food (they ripped my jacket)

\- rice crackers cost 100JPY and you’ll get 6 or 7 of them

\- BE CAREFUL, especialy if you have children

Went to Todai-ji Nigatsudo after which we went to Todai-ji temple.


\- the big Buddha statue is located in Todai-ji temple (you have to buy tickets)

After Todai-ji temple we went to Isui-en Garden (entrance is free). After the garden, we went back to the park to play with the deer.

At 3:15pm we took a bus back to Nara station where we took the train to Osaka. We arrived at Osaka Universal Studios at 4:15pm. We didn’t go inside, we only went to the Hard Rock Cafe. From there we went to Osaka Castle. Walked around the castle took a few pictures and went to Nippombashi. Ate at, can’t remember the name but I think it was called something like „Mega Taccoyaki“. We ate chicken there. After eating, we took a train back to Osaka station where at 9:30pm we continued back to Kyoto.

Day 7 (4th of February) – Meoto-Iwa – Matsusaka

Before our trip, I reserved 2 seats on a train for Iseshi. The train was operated by Kintetsu Rail.


\- you can reserve the train seats online beforehand (the reservation costs aprox. 1500JPY per person)

\- also, the seat reservation doesn’t cover the base fare which is around 2000JPY per person

\- the Kintetsu Rail isn’t covered by the JRPass

Our train was scheduled for 8:05am. It took us about 2:15 hours to get to Iseshi. We exited the train at Iseshi where we put all of our stuff in coin lockers. After putting our stuff, we took a train to Futomino-ura.


\- the Kintetsu train has a smoking booth

\- JR trains between Iseshi, Futomino-ura and Matsusaka are covered by the JRPass

After arriving at Futomino-ura station we walked to Meoto-Iwa (Wedded Rocks). We visited the first beach in Japan. Also, we were the only foreign tourists there. At 12:15pm took a train back to Iseshi where we took all of our stuff from the coin lockers, and sat on a train to Matsusaka.

Before our trip, I reserved lunch for two people at „Wadakin“. We ate 2 set menus (ameyaki) which included the famous Matsusaka beef.


\- even tho we didn’t chose the most expensive option, the lunch costed us 38000JPY total.

After lunch we took a train to Nagoya. Our JRPass didn’t cover the whole trip so we had to pay a reduced price. In Nagoya, we took the Shinkansen and were at our hotel in Kinshicho by 8:45pm. After leaving our stuff in the hotel, we went to eat at „Akakara“ located near Kinshicho station.

Day 8 (5th of February) – Harajuku – Mitaka – Nakano – Shinjuku

We woke up and took a train to Harajuku station. Ate breakfast at „Noa Coffee“ and took a stroll through Takeshita street. Visited the Meji-Jingu temple after which we went to Yoyogi park. It was a Sunday but anime cosplayers weren’t there. Ate kebab at the park. After eating, we took a train to Mitaka station and a bus to the Ghibli Museum.


\- the tickets for the Ghibli Museum need to be bought online a month prior to visiting the museum

\- taking pictures inside the museum is prohibited, outside it’s ok

It took us 2 hours to check the museum. Took a bus back to Mitaka station, and from there went to Nakano station (the train ride is short). In Nakano we drank coffee at „Lotteria“ and checked the „Nakano Broadway“.


\- Nakano Broadway has a lot of anime stores and collectible stores

\- you can also find secondhand watches and bags

\- stores are open till 8:00pm

\- the coffee in Lotteria is quite cheap

After Nakano we went to Shinjuku. We roamed the streets trying to find a decent place to eat. Finally we found an izakaya „新宿のまっちゃん“. The food was fantastic and the staff was even better. Smoking is allowed. Walked around Shinjuku for a bit, mostly Mega Don Quijote.

Day 9 (6th of February) – Kawaguchiko

Our train to Kawaguchiko was at 8:30am from Shinjuku station. We had to wake up early to get to Shinjuku in time. We made seat reservations right before entering the train (Fuji excursion n. 7).


\- the JRPass covers only the train ride from Shinjuku to Otsuki, in Otsuki you have to change carts because only selected carts continue to Kawaguchiko (most likely than not you’ll have to stand from Otsuki to Kawaguchiko (30 minutes), the ticket price is approx. 1500JPY per person)

We arrived to Kawaguchiko at 10:25am. Went on foot to Mt. Fuji Panoramic Ropeway (tickets cost 900JPY per person).


\- you can get the combo ticket which includes the Ropeway and the boat ride on Lake Kawaguchi for a reduced price

On top of the Panoramic Ropeway, you’ll find a „cabin“ where you can buy ice cream, rice dumplings, coffee, etc. The food was tasty. After eating we continued up the trail (10-15 minute walk) to the top.

After the Panoramic Ropeway, we went down to the lake where we took some pictures, and continued to the Gem Museum.


\- you can buy various gems, crystals, earrings, necklaces, etc. at the Gem Museum (for the store you don’t have to buy tickets)

From the Gem Museum we walked back to Kawaguchiko station where we took a bus to Oshino Hakkai.


\- the bus ride to Oshino Hakkai took approx. 30 minutes

\- if you are going on a day trip to Kawaguchiko, skip Oshino Hakkai (it’s a tourist trap – there is nothing to do there, there is a small market, but the bus ride isn’t worth it)

\- the Diamond Fuji „event“ isn’t visible through the whole year in Oshino Hakkai

As the 6th of February was our anniversary, I tried finding a spot in Oshino Hakkai where I could propose. The village is filled with modern houses, and we walked around for quite some time because I wanted to find a spot where Mt. Fuji is nicely visible. After finding ourselves in the middle of an military zone, we decided to go back to Kawaguchiko station. Our train for Shinjuku station was scheduled for 7:00pm. The train ride was almost 3:00 hours.


\- in the afternoon only local trains drive to Otsuki, so you have to buy a ticket (approx. 1500JPY per person)

\- the train ride to Otsuki took about 1:30 hours after that we had to wait 50 minutes for the train to Shinjuku station, and we arrived at Shinjuku station around 10:00pm

Day 10 (7th of February) – Ikebukuro

As we were tired, we woke up late, and took a train to Mejiro station. We both are anime lovers, and we wanted to see the hill from the anime „How to raise a boring girlfriend“. We walked on foot to the spot. Found the „Scarlet seal“ at „雑司が谷 案内処“.


\- to find the hill type „Nozokizaka“ in the maps app

\- the „Scarlet Seal“ is located in a cafe/tourist information spot somewhere 5 minutes from the hill

From there we walked to Kishimojin Temple where we helped an old lady transport her bike up the stairs. Walked to Ikebukuro station and were at Ikebukuro station by 12:30pm.


\- the train ride from Kinshicho to Ikebukuro is covered by the JRPass and takes 30 minutes

After arriving to Ikebukuro station, we went for coffee and cake at „Café de Crié Grand – Sunshine-dori Street „ (both were great). When we finished, we went to a drug store trying to find sanitary pads. As I said before, we are both anime lovers and we collect anime figurines, but I must say that Ikebukuro had the worst offer of anime figurines. Went to Bookoff, after which we went to a Korean restaurant „Hongdae Pocha“ located near Animate in a basement floor (the worst food we had whilst in Japan, and we paid 7000JPY)


\- if you ever find yourself in a „basement“ Korean restaurant near Animate in Ikebukuro – DON’T ORDER THE CHEESE BALLS

Mandarake, Surugaya and Superpotato Ikebukuro came next.


\- the Mandarake near Sunshine City doesn’t sell anime figurines

After Mandarake, Surugaya and Superpotato we went to Pokemon Center Mega and One Piece shop (both are located inside „Sunshine City“). Found out that there is a second Mandarake in the Parco Building near Ikebukuro station.


\- the Mandarake in the Parco Building sells anime figurines and is the only one I saw that had a display with figurines that are somehow broken, but really cheap

When we finished with Mandarake we went to „Labi“ which is located near the Ikebukuro station. Labi had the most diversity in anime figurines in all of Ikebukuro (at least what we saw). Sat on a train to Kinshicho where we ate yakiniku in a chain restaurant (the logo is something like: „Quick, Tasy, Value“).


\- the mentioned chain restaurant has set meals for approx. 1100JPY (you get 200g of meat, a bowl of rice, one of soup, sauces, etc.)

Day 11 (8th of February) – Sapporo

Our train to Sapporo was scheduled for 8:20 am from Tokyo station (the Hayabusa 5). It took us less than 4 hours to get to Shin-Hakkodate-Hokuto. From there we had to transfer to a different train (a slower train). The ride from Shin-Hakkodate-Hokuto to Sapporo took us approx. 3:30 hours.


\- smoking on the Shinkansen Hayabusa 5 isn’t allowed, also, in the train to Sapporo smoking isn’t allowed

\- there is a smoking booth in Tokyo station near the Hayabusa 5 platform

\- the smoking booth in Shin-Hakkodate-Hokuto was temporarily closed

\- important for smokers – the Hayabusa 5 stops for approx. 2 minutes at different stations during the trip to Shin-Hakodate-Hokuto, BUT at Morioka station the train stops for more than 5 minutes(when going both directions), and there is a smoking booth on the platform that is working (please check the schedule)

Arrived in Sapporo at around 4:00 pm, sat on the metro and exited at Nakajima Koen station. Checked in with the hotel. At 5:00 pm took the train to Odori Park and went on foot to „Ippudo Ramen Tanukikojo“.


\- Ippudo Ramen is a chain ramen restaurant like Ichiran Ramen

\- Ippudo is rarely crowded even tho it has maybe better ramen than Ichiran

After eating we went to the „Norbesa“ building and roamed the stores.


\- for figurine collectors – Mandarake, Surugaya and Jungle are located in Norbesa

We had reserved the Sapporo TV tower for 9:00 pm. The tickets were bought through Klook.


\- during the Snow Festival the Sapporo TV tower is open till 11:00pm

Day 12 (9th of February) – Sapporo

As I said before, I wanted to propose to my girlfriend whilst we were in Japan. Accessing rooftops is almost always out of the question. Before arriving to Sapporo I contacted our hotel in Sapporo and asked them if they have a location that would be appropriate for a proposal. I quickly received an e-mail from Haruna Seki who is part of the room reservation department with an answer to my question. The hotel allowed me to „rent out“ free of charge, their chapel. Our visit to the chappel was scheduled for 10:00 am. After the proposal, we went to Shiroi Koibito Park.


\- you can reserve the Sapporo TV Tower for a private proposal (just fill out the form on their Japanese website a week prior of your arrival) – the tower can’t be rented out during the Snow Festival

\- she said yes

I bought tickets for the park before our trip.


\- the tickets can be bought online or in person

\- at the ground floor of the factory there is a shop where you can take a picture (or give them your picture), and they will put it on a metal box which contains their famous cookies (it costs around 3000JPY per box)

From there we went back to Susukino, and in the meantime, a blizzard struck. Walking in the blizzard we went to the Sapporo market where we ate lunch. When the blizzard passed, we went to Odori Park and walked around the snow sculptures.


\- there are 3 smoking zones in the park (during the Snow Festival)

For dinner, we decided to go back to Ippudo Ramen Tanukikojo. From there we went to Susukino. In Susukino we went to a bar on the 6F or 7F called „Electric Sheep“. We sat by the window so we had a great view of the street.

Day 13 (10th of February) – Sapporo

From our hotel, we went to Sapporo Beer Museum. The entrance to the museum is free. We spent maybe an hour there. From the Beer Museum, we proceeded to Susukino station where we drank coffee in a small cafe almost a century old (the cafe is located at the entrance of the underground mall).


\- smoking was allowed in the aforementioned cafe

After our morning coffee, we roamed the streets of Susukino and took pictures of the ice sculptures. For lunch, we went to a curry restaurant in Susukino called „Samurai“. The curry was good. Went to the Norbesa building where we rode the panoramic wheel that is located on the roof of Norbesa (we were the only people there).


\- tickets for the panoramic wheel are bought on a ticket machine near the entrance to the panoramic wheel

After our ride, we visited Mandarake, Surugaya and Jungle which are located in the same building. We’ve spent quite some time there. As it was dinner time we wanted to try Genghis Khan. Daruma was crowded, so we went to a „garage“ restaurant called „めんよう亭 五条店“. I must say that I’ve ate much better lamb.


\- you can smoke at めんよう亭 五条店

\- it’s quite expensive (400g of lamb and 2 cokes for 8600JPY)

Finnished our dinner, roamed the night streets of Susukino, and finished our day with a drink at a bar (it was on the main street and had the number 35 in the name).

Day 14 (11th of February) – Yoichi – Otaru – Sapporo

Woke up early and took a train to Otaru. From Otaru station, we took a highway bus to Yoichi station.


\- the bus ride to Yoichi station takes approx. 30 minutes

We had to walk to the Nikka distillery. There are two kinds of tickets for the museum. One is free entry, and the other one is a paid tour that has to be reserved a few days prior. (needs checking). Nevertheless, the free entrance allows you to taste their wide range of whiskies.


\- 3 drinks per person can be ordered

\- each drink has to be paid (prices range from 300JPY to 1500JPY)

\- try the Nikka Single Cask Malt Whisky

After visiting their shop we walked to Yoichi train station where we took a train back to Otaru. The train was completely crowded so during the ride we were like sardines.

Came to Otaru station and went downhill to Otaru Canal. We stopped at „Bay Side Utopia“ where we drank coffee.


\- the Bay Side Utopia is a cafe bar and market

\- a smoking zone is located inside

When we finished, it started to snow. From Bay Side Utopia we went to see the „Steam clook“. We were fortunate to see it blow steam (it blows steam every full hour).


\- Sakaimachihondori Street has many restaurants and souvenir shops

As we heard that Zangi chicken is delicious, we went to „Naruto main shop“ (Naruto Honten) to try it out. No, it isn’t delicious. We were better off eating at Sakaimachihondori Street. From there we went to „Tanaka Sake Brewing Head Office“ where the employees were kind and they let us taste their local sake. We bought a bottle.


\- at the sake brewery shop they only sell sake from Otaru

After drinking sake we went to a „park“ that has the statue „小樽運河 なかよしの像“ as it was dark, the Light Festival began. At the park each of us took 2 grilled scallops (100JPY per person), and I took a cup of cooked/warm red vine (500JPY per cup). After finishing my vine, we went to the Otaru Canal to see the majesty of the Light Festival. We were disappointed because there were so few lights. We decided to leave Otaru and made our way to Otaru station, but first we took pictures of some anime cosplayers that were cosplayng near the Otaru Canal. Arrived at the train station and were fortunate to find seats on the train.


\- the train from Sapporo to Otaru and Yoichi is covered by the JRPass

From Sapporo station, we went to Susukino station and drank coffee at the abovementioned cofe place. For dinner, we went to „Yakiniku Like“ (Quick Tasty Value). To finish our day we went to a sports bar in Susukino called „500 BAR“ and from there we watched how the ice sculptures were removed.

Day 15 (12 of February) – Sapporo – Tokyo – Akihabara

Our train to Shin-Hakodate-Hokuto was scheduled for 8:40 am. Arrived at Shin-Hakodate-Hokuto at 12:17 pm and took the Shinkansen to Tokyo at 12:34 pm.


\- the smoking zone at Shin-Hakodate-Hokuto was still closed

Arrived in Tokyo at around 5:30 pm, went to our hotel in Kinshicho, left our bags and went to Akihabara. As it was past 7:00 pm we only powerwalked through „Radio Kaikan“ and „Culture’s Zone“. For dinner we ate chicken at „ハイカラ フライド チキン ヨドバシAkiba店“. The spicy chicken burger is delicious. I wanted to bring my order myself but the waiter insisted on bringing it. He spilled the drinks.


\- at „ハイカラ フライド チキン ヨドバシAkiba店“ don’t order Coke (it isn’t Coke it’s like syrup)

Day 16 (13th of February) – Akihabara

To sum up most of our day in Akihabara, we went to different anime stores (Radio Kaikan, Animate, AmiAmi, Jungle, Culture’s Zone, Astop, Mandarake, etc.) and SuperPotato Akihabara. For lunch, we went to „Pizzeria Nogha“. The pizza was really good, and as far I managed to understand, the owner is from Italy so they offer good Cappucino (not as good as in Italy but nevertheless it was good). I tried finding the „GoodSmile Company“ headquarters, and when we came to the place Google pointed us to, nowhere was indicated that the place is associated with GoodSmile, but there was a Senran Kagura exhibition. In the evening we went to „Kanda Myoujin Shrine“ and ate dinner near Akihabara Station at „HUB Chomp Chomp Akihabara“ (British pub). To finish our night we went to adult stores „Love Mercy“ and „Pop Life Department. M’s“).


\- as for anime merchandise, don’t buy the first thing you see, check out other stores because they could have the same thing for a cheaper price

\- when buying figurines or other anime merchendise, be careful of the price, some items could be damaged

\- the pizza was really affordable, and the prices at „HUB“ were reasonable

\- we had rain that day, but umbrellas are sold at every corner

Day 17 (14th of February) – Nipponbashi – Tokyo Station – Shibuya

Took a train to Tokyo station as we had a reservation for Pokemon cafe Tokyo at 11:15 am. Exited on the wrong side of the station so we spent 20 minutes trying to pass through Tokyo station. Pokemon cafe is not quite cheap (in comparison to other places). Ordered caffee and a Pikachu meal but had to wait 30 minutes for it (a person masked as a cook Pikachu danced for around 30 minutes and the staff was singing and dancing along).


\- it’s necessary to reserve a table at Pokemon cafe one month prior to visiting

\- in my opinion it’s worth visiting once

After our lunch, we went to see the East Imperial Gardens.


\- the entrance to the gardens is free

\- the gardens were … meh …

From the gardens, we took a train to Shibuya. Arrived to Shibuya at 4:00 pm. Went for ice cream to „Kith“. After the ice cream we went to Shibuya 109.


\- Shibuya 109 is a shopping mall on 7 or 8 floors (90% of clothes are for women)

\- the prices are reasonable

Went to the Parco building and Lobi Shibuya. At the end of our day, we went to eat at „Akakara Shibuya“.

Day 18 (15th of February) – Asakusa – Kinshicho

On our first day in Japan, we reserved a kimono rental at „Miu Kimono“. Our appointment was at 11:00 am. Took a train from Kinshicho station to Hikifune station where we transferred to a train bound for Asakusa station. Arrived at Miu Kimono at 11:00am. As I only reserved a kimono for my girlfriend, only she was allowed to enter the store (Covid-19 precautions). I went to a cafe near the store called „セリーヌ“. The coffee was ok, but most importantly, it was allowed to smoke. After finishing my coffe and as my girlfriend wasn’t dressed yet, I walked around till 12:00 pm.


\- you can rent a kimono for a whole day at Miu Kimono

\- it costs 5000JPY per person

\- they also offer photo shooting

At 12:00 pm went to Senso-ji temple where we walked around the temple and the near open market. Took strawberries on a stick and for lunch went to McDonald’s. At 3:00 pm we had tickets for the Tokyo Skytree.


\- tickets for the Skytree can be bought online one week before to visiting (you can buy them earlier if you buy a combo ticket)

At 4:50 pm we returned the kimono and went for a coffee at „La Plage“ which is located 100m from Asakusa station.


\- in La Plage smoking is allowed and they serve good coffee

After coffe we went back to Kinshicho where we visited „Yamada-denshi“ and „Bookoff“.


\- if you want to buy Nintendo Switch, I suggest buying it in Japan (the prices compared to Europe are cheaper – 130-140€ cheaper)

For dinner, we went to a ramen place near our hotel called „Hidakaya“. They offered cheap tasty ramen and a smoking zone.

Day 19 (16th of February) – Toyosu – Roppongi – Shimokitazawa – Shinjuku

We bought tickets for TeamLab Planets. Our entry was at 10:00 am. We took a bus from Kinshicho station to Toyosu station. The bus ride was 30 minutes and another 10 minutes of walking. Arrived at TamLab at 9:45 am.


\- TeamLab Planets is cool and everything, but worth visiting only once

\- you can rent free of charge a pair of shorts

It took us approx 1:30 hours to complete the „tour“. From there we went to „Urban Dock LaLaport Toyosu 3“ where we ate lunch with our friend. At 3:00 pm we took a train to Tokyo Tower. Just took a few pictures in front of the tower from where we went on foot to Hard Rock Caffe Roppongi. From the Hard Rock Caffe, we went to the nearest train station where we boarded the train bound to Shimokitazawa. Arrived in Shimokitazawa station at 5:00 pm, and walked around for a bit trying to find the club „Shelter“.


\- the club Shelter is a location from the anime „Bocchi the Rock“

At 7:00 pm we took a train to Shinjuku station and went for dinner at „新宿のまっちゃん“ again. Roamed the streets of Shinjuku until we decided to go to a pachinko parlor.


\- no offense to anyone, but playing Pachinko is boring

At 11:30 pm we went back to our hotel in Kinshicho.

Day 20 (17th of February) – Nakano – Shinjuku

Woke up late and took a train to Nakano station. Arrived at 12:00 pm and visited the Nakano Broadway. Drank coffee in „Lotteria“ and at 4:00 pm took the train bound for Shinjuku station. In Shinjuku for lunch, we went to a place called „Kingdom of Teppan Shinjuku“. We ate ramen which was quite cheap and surprisingly good. After lunch we went to „Tokyu Hands“ Shinjuku, and roamed „Takashimaya Shinjuku“ „Uniqlo“ and „Lumine EST“. For dinner at 10:00 pm we went to „HUB新宿南口店6F“ which is the same chain restaurant as in Akihabara. It was crowded but we still managed to eat a pizza and some fried chicken. To conclude our night, we grabbed a drink at the same place.

Day 21 (18th and 19th of February) – Kinshicho – Akihabara

Woke up early to finish packing our suitcases. The hotel Sotetsu Fresa Inn Kinshicho had the check-out time at 11:00 am. The night before I reserved a taxi to Haneda airport for 6:30 pm. Asked the hotel staff if they could watch over our suitcases until 6:00 pm. Went to the Kinshicho Parco building to check it out, and to buy some cosmetics and stationary accessories. After Parco, we went to Akihabara where we strolled the streets looking for some souvenir t-shirts and other things. At 4:00 pm we went for lunch at „Gyu-Kaku Akihabara“ where we’ve chosen the 90 minutes all you can drink and eat course for 2 people for approx. 8.000JPY.


\- at this Gyu-Kaku we had only 70 minutes to place our orders

\- after the first 30 minutes the waiters slowed down in bringing our orders

At 5:30 pm we went back to our hotel in Kinshicho where we put the stuff we bought that day in our suitcases and took a taxi at 6:30 pm to Haneda airport. Arrived at Haneda airport at 7:05 pm returned our pocket wifi and went to the international departures floor.


\- returning the Ninja wifi is done at the same place where it was issued

\- there is no need to wait in line, just pop it inside the handsfree return box

The baggage check-in begun at aprox. 8:00 pm. Checked our baggage, went trough the security control and waited for boarding to start at 9:40 pm.


\- due to Covid-19 measures, most of the shops in the airport were closed by 5:00 pm and some by 8:00 pm.

\- after the security check you’ll find two smoking rooms in the terminal

Our flight to Istambul took 14 hours. Our flight was 30 minutes longer than the estimated travel time, so we had only 1:30 hours to change flights in Istambul. After landing in Istambul we had to go through the security check once more. Fortunately, the flight from Istambul to Venice was delayed 30 minutes. Arrived in Venice at 9:20 am on the 19th of February and as one of our suitcases was damaged a little during travel, we made a claim with Turkish Airlines as soon as we picked up our suitcases, and then and there they gave us a brand new suitcase of same dimensions, free of charge.

General tips and tricks

\- don’t be loud and respect others (we’ve seen many Americans and Chinese who were super loud on trains and on the street)

\- reserving taxis at least a week prior to parting will save you a lot of money

\- you can redeem your JRPass one day and set the activation date for a later date

\- you can reserve seats in advance. When waiting in line for the activation of the JRPass (Tokyo station), there will be a guy who’ll ask you about your travel plans, and he’ll fill out a paper with your travel itinerary that you’ll give to the clerk

\- skip the Tokyo Metro Pass, most locations are connected through JR lines which are free with a JRPass (also, the metro is really cheap)

\- if you are traveling to Kyoto, don’t buy a bus or metro pass. The fare on all the buses in Kyoto is always 230 JPY. The city is mostly connected via buses

\- almost every attraction ticket can be bought online in advance (the prices are lower)

\- there are no trashcans on the streets, take your garbage with yourself

\- it’s possible to find trashcans in public bathrooms

\- the Pokemon cafe is worth visiting only once

\- Team Lab Planets is worth seeing only once

\- don’t look for Pokemon booster boxes, it’s a waste of time (you won’t find any)

\- you can buy products tax-free only if the product value + tax is over 5.500JPY. I won’t suggest buying anything tax-free if the value isn’t over 10.000JPY (the reason is behind the fact that the products are unusable until you leave the country. If you use/consume the products, you are subject to paying the excluded tax, and can be fined or imprisoned (not likely))

\- your suitcases can be sent from hotel to hotel, from airport to hotel and the other way around (Yamato Transport)

\- if you intend to send packages overseas you should use Japan Post for light and big packages, and Yamato Transport for heavy and small packages

\- tables in restaurants can be reserved online

\- learn some basic Japanese frases (in our experience more than 90% of people didn’t speak English)

\- map app order of usefulness: 1. Apple maps (the app will display the fare prices, routes and will track your travel signaling when to exit or transfer), 2. Japan transit (the app is useful in planning your trip, as it will show you the fare prices and tell you which lines are covered by the JRPass), 3. Google Maps (the least useful app, the app will only show you the quickest route disregarding transfers, or if a line is covered by the JRPass, locations aren’t updated and shows non-existent lines)

\- ATMs will always take a fee (10.000JPY fee is 110JPY, 20.000JPY fee is 220JPY, etc.)

\- as for public transport cards I suggest using „Suica“

\- every public transport card is compatible with every region (just look for a sign that says „IC“)

\- **Suica and Pasmo cards are available digitally in your iPhone wallet (you can top-up your cards using your credit card. The minimum amount you can top-up is 1JPY) (don’t know about Android) (I bolded this because I saw a lot of tourists using physical cards and the main complaint is that you can only top up a card using cash)**

\- Kawaguchiko isn’t worth visiting (better go to Hakone)

\- Otaru is not worth visiting

\- more than 90% of businesses will accept credit cards (of those 90% only 10% offer „Touch pay“)

\- if looking for anime figurines, don’t buy the first one you see, write it down (place, store name, floor number, price) and check other stores. Most often than not, you’ll see the same figure in the same condition at different stores for a different price

\- it doesn’t matter where your accommodation is located in Tokyo. Everything is connected via trains. Our accommodation in Kinshicho was two times cheaper than the same quality hotel in Shibuya or Shinjuku (the travel time between Kinsicho station and Shibuya or Shinjuku is approx. 22-25 minutes)

\- regarding cheap places to eat based on the dish: 1. Yakiniku Like – yakiniku, 2. Akakara – hot pot, 3. Ippudo ramen –ramen

\- tips for smokers

1. smoking isn’t allowed on the streets in (confirmed locations): Akihabara, Shibuya, Shinjuku, Ikebukuro, Mitaka, Kinshicho, Harajuku, Nakano, around Tokyo station (Chuo)

2. smoking is fined at some locations in Kyoto and Sapporo (check online for a map of locations)

3. the Hikari train for Osaka has a smoking booth

4. the „Vista car“ train from Kintetsu has a smoking booth

5. the Hayabusa 5 for Shin-Hakodate-Hokuto train doesen’t have a smoking booth

6. when buying cigarettes (tobacco) just say the number displayed on the shelf

7. there is a website that will tell you where are the smoking areas and in which restaurants or cofe places you are allowed to smoke ([]( – the website is in japanese

8. buy yourself a travel ashtray

1 comment
  1. This was an amazing and detailed report! Thank you.

    How was the Sotetsu hotel in Tokyo?

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