Is this Chu Toro or O Toro?

Is this Chu Toro or O Toro?

  1. And does it look fresh? Something didn’t sit well with me after enjoying this.. 😅

  2. It’s hard to tell by a picture if it’s fresh or not but I’m it a fan of the wetness look on it and that yellowtail looks a little off to my eyes

  3. Looks like otoro but the color is a little off not the freshest otoro looks semi old🤙🤙🤙

  4. I thought this was in a blender at first and got super confused. 😵‍💫

  5. Not O-toro. The hamachi is not off that is the way it looks. Obviously not the freshest but still fine. The other piece of sushi is hamachi belly.

  6. I’m immediately suspicious of them putting the same basic hot sauce/miso/whatever that is on three very different fish… especially the silverfish on the left. That doesn’t get the same treatment as hamachi type fish very often.

    Might be covering up some slightly funky pieces.

    And the toro is probably o-toro, but looks a little off/old/second tier.

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