Approach to kanji learning while using みんなの日本語

So I’ve been studying Japanese using みんなの日本語. So far the way I tried to learn kanji was by writing the vocabulary pertaining to that lesson with kanjis and above that with hiragana. However I don’t think it’s efficient enough as I really can’t seem to learn them. Would it be a better approach to maybe write an anki deck with the kanjis only and learn it that way? Or would it be better to learn kanjis completely separate from みんなの日本語?

  1. Learning a kanji is really two steps. Step 1: Introduce yourself to the kanji in a direct way. Step 2: Build up your recognition of this kanji through reading it a lot in lots of different situations (ie: stories).

    みんなの日本語 is really good for step 1, but not so good for step 2.

  2. Language schools in Japan typically use a separate textbook to teach kanji/vocabulary.

    MNN sells separate kanji books but I don’t think they were as popular as the main book (e.g. the schools use different books). Below is the MNN Kanji book description & sample PDF pages:


    Search the “starter’s guide” on the right & the internet for alternative Kanji books and approaches. Eventually you will need to decide if you want to learn just to read kanji or also learn to write in it too.

  3. >Would it be a better approach to maybe write an anki deck with the kanjis only and learn it that way?

    This will totally work, I would in fact recommend doing this.

  4. Use Remembering The Kanji, and the Anki Deck of Remembering the Kanji, you’ll start to learn Kanji faster and will be easier to learn new words.

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