A question about Kabuki.

I was playing around on YouTube I came across a performance of a Star Wars Kabuki “show?” I watched the entire thing I don’t speak a lick of Japanese nor do I have any illusion that I understand the culture of the Japanese people. I have a few questions.
1) Is it common to do Reenactment of popular Media?
2) Whats with the “Uuuooohh!” Sound it’s that like part of the music or a cue to the audience of some kind.
3) is comparing it to Mummers Show a fair comparison
4) Is traditionally an all Male cast or was that this particular show
5) Where could I find good information on Kabuki like Traditional plays or Subtitled ones

I enjoyed it that maybe in part to it being Star Wars so I got the story they were telling idk. I am curious to learn more about it. Oh and yall will probably ask

That’s the link to the YouTube video I watched.
Thank you in advance for any help

  1. 1. It’s not common but it’s a new endeavor the kabuki world is exploring recently

    2. Those are called “Kakegoe” and are musical cues as well as being an integral part of the artwork

    3. In a way their origins are similar. Kabuki troops would travel and perform in temporary shacks for the middle class. Eventually as Kabuki grew in popularity they built their own theaters, the shows themselves became more extravagant and going to a shows became a luxury

    4. Kabuki acting is strictly reserved for males. All of the larger historical troops still follow the ban on female performers. There are smaller contemporary troops with female members but they would not be considered true kabuki the way it stands

    5. You’ll find some full kabuki plays on YouTube if you look up “Kabuki English subtitles”

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