Best of the Super Jr. 30 lineup revealed!

Best of the Super Jr. 30 lineup revealed!

  1. I’ve heard great things about speedball excited to see what he can do. Will miss Ace Austin tho.

    I know very little about Dan but most revpro guys that come to Japan are Great, I will say I don’t think the UE needed 3 members in the tourney tho

  2. I just need Gedo to explain why he put my guy Robbie in the same block as Despy. My dream is dead but it’ll still be a fun tournament regardless

  3. Hiromu vs Ishimori with Hiromu winning, Despy vs Wato with Despy winning?

    Despy should win the damn thing

  4. I’m just sad there is only 20 people for the 30th anni of the BOSJ. Was expecting more people but the tour dates are kinda giveaway.

    Kinda shock that no AEW wrestler are appearing. Come on TK i’m sure u can spare some guys.

  5. Really really happy with this lineup, pretty much what everyone predicted apart from Kushida & Moloney.

    Kushida vs A block is going to be so hype.

    Slightly disappointed with no Alex Zayne & Ace Austin though, considering how popular they were last year.

  6. If JB, Darby, or Sammy wasn’t in a story line would love to see one of them in BOSJ too.

  7. Only thing I’m disappointed about is El Lindaman, but otherwise this is a decent mixture of the usual (good) guys with a sprinkling of new faces.

  8. That’s nothing to sneeze at. Saw Mike Bailey for the first time in DC and he fucking ruled, so he’s a welcome inclusion. Expected someone from AEW, but I think they’re hesitant to classify guys as juniors, so whatever. I’m still holding out for John Silver making it in one of these years.

  9. Douki isn’t winning the block, but I’m calling it now…he gets the W over Hiromu

  10. For everyone wondering why nobody from AEW is participating you gotta understand Tonys dilemma of his small roster and everyone booked every week.

  11. awesome! I got a ticket to see night 1 of the BOSJ at korakuen, curious to see what the match line ups will be

  12. can someone explain why ace austin and chris bey aren’t here 🙁 robbie eagles is my pick to win

  13. The junior division is low-key stacked. 18/20 are NJPW wrestlers or Strong regulars.

    The only non-NJPW wrestlers are Dan Moloney and Mike Bailey

  14. Yoooooo I’m so happy I finally caught the reveal video for this!

    SPEEDBALL IN NEW JAPAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Block A having Kushida, Hiromu, Speedball, Lio, Ishimori, and Titan might be the most loaded block in BOSJ history

    Wish we could have gotten Ace Austin or a spot for an AEW roster member but overall, you can’t be disappointed with this field.

  15. Should be a lot of fun. Some terrific debuts, several old dogs, lots of possibilities.

  16. Ecstatic with this lineup. Kevin Knight is going to get his chance to shine, everyone from NJPW who should be included is in, CMLL, Rev Pro, and Impact each get a rep, and no booking nonsense from having an AEW guy there. Given the quality of each person in the tournament, this could rival the 2019 tournament in terms of match quality.

    Just eyeballing the blocks, I’m guessing we get Ishimori/Kushida v. Desperado in the finals with Connors alive on the final block night.

  17. Thoughts-

    First thing’s first: -two- LA Dojo guys in the tourney this year! Finally! Good luck to both Clark and Kevin; look forward to seeing both be showcased this year.

    Super happy about Mike Bailey and Dan Moloney. Nice to see some fresh faces showcased. I haven’t watched much of either of them, so looking forward to seeing them go.

    Biggest disappointment: if there was one guy above all others I’m really sad didn’t make a return, it’s El Lindaman. He was so fun last year, it’s just a shame he couldn’t make it this time. Surprised there wasn’t an AEW representative either considering how big the roster is, even if it’s not a young star being highly pushed like a Daniel Garcia. Surely a guy like Lee Moriarty (as mentioned) could have benefitted from a spot.

    All in all, more pluses than minuses. There’s enough fresh faces that it’s going to stay interesting.

  18. Excited to get one more KUSHIDA vs Hiromu match after everything that’s changed since the last time they faced off. Rooting for Despy but we’ll see…

    Man, that is an unflattering pic of Wato

  19. Speedball!!! No way. I’m super excited for this lineup and this will be the second year in a row I watch BOSJ. Last year, it was my absolute favorite thing in NJPW to watch and I hope it isn’t any different this year.

    Still pulling for a Despy win but I’m prepared to be disappointed…

  20. Speedball is fucking fantastic, man. So happy to see him in anything prestigious

  21. I was hoping this would be the year that Taguchi fucked off. Don’t give me the “he can turn it on when he wants to” because he hasn’t in the past four years. He was especially bad last year and I’m tired of the schtick and almost seeing his butthole.

  22. Kanemaru better heel master his way to get free title matches for the 5 guys.

  23. Just desperately want to see someone besides Hiromu win the damn thing. Despy or Ishimori could both use one on their resume tbh.

  24. Considering how well received Alex Zayne was last year, I’m surprised he isn’t in this. Same with Ace Austin too. Even if their story was fairly simple for the few months they were there, it was still refreshing to see in that environment.

    That being said, if you’re not hype for Speedball, you will be. I mostly only remember Dan Moloney as that big guy from the WWE UK tournament, so I’m guessing he’ll be this years “don’t worry about his size, he’s totally a Jr. heavyweight” entrant.

    I remember Hiromu inviting Blake Christian to Japan after their match in the US, I had him slotted for the surprise entrant. Maybe next time.

  25. Other people are disappointed that there’s no AEW, but I’m disappointed that in a year of crossover shows there’re no AJPW or NOAH juniors in the mix. Bailey being in there is very good news, though; his matches against Hiromu and KUSHIDA are going to be something else.

    (Go Despy!)

  26. Would have been crazy to have Darby Allin or Orange Cassidy but overall not bad at all

  27. Awesome lineup! I’m excited to see Mike Bailey. He’s gonna be sick.

    Also, no AEW talent. Shocker. Tony sure loves supporting his partners.

  28. If they wanna strap a rocket to him and push him to the moon, winning this after joining BCC would be a huge push for Clark.

    Insane field overall.

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