Purchased an Ice Cream Maker and it’s wonderful!

Around two months ago ([https://www.reddit.com/r/japanlife/comments/udng7b/ice\_cream\_maker/](https://www.reddit.com/r/japanlife/comments/udng7b/ice_cream_maker/)) , I inquired if anyone in Japan had ever bought an Ice Cream Maker. There were quite a few replies, some of people who had one and some of people who were also interested in buying one. Well, a month ago, after my wife was still on the fence about getting one, I just made the decision to buy one. I purchased this Cuisinart ICE-21P1 for around 14,000 yen. And let me tell you, it has been wonderful!

We’ve only made 3 kinds of ice cream so far – vanilla, chocolate, and butter pecan. They’ve all turned out wonderfully and I was in heaven eating the butter pecan. We’ve also had a great time doing this with friends and family. This ice cream maker requires a bit of preparation such pre-freezing the bowl and refrigerating the mix beforehand, but it does make it quite quick – 20 minutes. And I really appreciate the person who recommended starting out with an inexpensive maker first. At this point in time, I doubt we will upgrade to a more expensive machine. For the price, this maker makes really good ice cream.

Anyways…for anyone who wants to make ice cream during these hot summer months, I highly recommend just buying one.

Edit 1: This is the chocolate ice cream we made last Sunday.


  1. I’ve bought one for 500¥ at Second Street and it’s been awesome! My favorite experimentations :
    – coconut and saffron
    – blood orange and Sancho pepper
    – kaki and black tea

  2. I wonder if anyone’s tried their luck at reduced-sugar ice creams that are sweetened with monkfruit or similar. If ingredients are readily available in Japan I might like to buy an ice cream maker.

  3. I’ve been fat shamed so many times in Japan that I can’t enjoy this thread 🙂 I want to join!

  4. You should experiment with Ayran flavor.

    Ayran is salty! 🎶

    Ayran is ice cream! 🎶

    Ayran is life! 🎶

  5. I’ve always wanted an ice cream maker. My schedule does not have more time to work in extra gym visits though lol

  6. If any of you don’t want to go for the full ice cream machine, try the frozen cookie sheet things that were popular a few years back. We use ours every summer, and it makes a great slushie out of whatever drink you want. Fun to use, kinda like frozen okonomiyaki cooking with the two spatulas. It can get pretty ice creamy if you use something milky, but coke or CC lemon works great.

    I don’t know what this device is called in English actually, but it’s basically this:


  7. I’m thinking of getting a かき氷 machine for my family back in the UK. Can anyone recommend a model?

  8. I got a used one from 2nd Street for just under ¥1,000, and it’s the best money I’ve ever spent. Even a new one of the model I have is just over ¥2,000.

    I can’t believe how good the ice cream is for such a cheap machine (so long as you prepare the base properly, which, by the way, is surprisingly easy).

    Cardamom was a good ingredient, as has been fresh coffee and cacao nibs… fresh mint and dark chocolate, too. Lining up some pistachio to try making this weekend.

  9. What kind did you end up buying?

    A friend’s grandpa used to run business that engineered cool rooms for restaurants, supermarkets, butchers, warehouses…etc. For one job the client couldn’t pay so they were like ‘here, have this icecream machine!!!’

    Dunno the model off the top of my head but you can make sorbet in ~2 mins by pouring in 2L of juice and an egg white. It just churns it around (has a condenser and stuff) and boom… hello icecream! One can also put (for example) some gin or vodka in there too and spice it up a little.

    He’s still got it. It’s a ~50 year old machine but it’s commercial grade and still going strong. Wish I had one!

  10. I got one too !!! Because I couldn’t stand the workers at my local gelato shop(which is great) but they take 30 min no joke to put two flavours in the Tupperware.

  11. I’ve been wanting one of these so badly. A delicious pistachio and olive oil ice cream in the middle of summer my God. Plus, you can control what you put into the ice cream so it’s a lot of fun and has the potential to be a little bit healthier.

  12. >I inquired if anyone in Japan had ever bought an Ice Cream Maker.


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