The Japanese government is considering the possibility of legislating that children’s voices are not noise

The Japanese government is considering the possibility of legislating that children’s voices are not noise

  1. People who report children’s voices as noise should be warned,

    not normal people

    he causes other problems

  2. There is going to be both outrage and celebration in r/japanlife which is basically full of “what should I do about my noisy neighbor” and “what should I do? the police came to my door saying I was too noisy” 🤣

  3. Remove children’s voices from list and then add political campaigning vans to unnecessary noise list.

  4. As a parent of three, I can say that Japanese people hate children.

    The only way children are tolerated is when they behave like little robots, and they only talk and move when they are ordered to.

    At least, now they allow parents to use the metro with a stroller. Apparently, that was not the case.

  5. Apparently where I live drunk people yelling in the park at 12am on weekdays is not noise either

  6. Children’s noise doesn’t bother me. Bosozoku dudes at 1am on the other hand can be thrown into a pit of Mamushi.

  7. Had a deep conversation with my partner yesterday about how the fact that the lack of children laughing was an indication of japans aging society.

    I grew up hearing laughter, raucous noise from time to time and overall the sound of ‘youth’ on a daily. Here, kids are so quiet at a certain age. Hell, even the babies are relatively quiet.

    Its sad to think the government has to do something like this to tell people to let kids be kids

  8. I love that I live near a school and a small park. Nothing like the sound of children playing to give one a sense of joy and hope for our species. And I’m childless. Let the children play!

  9. Yes, it is certainly noise. I live near a park.

    Lordy they have some high pitched voices and love to scream.

  10. what about farting? i’ve a right to fart everywhere i need to, especially tight public spaces.

  11. Is this because some of the crusty old farts here materialised from the æther fully formed at an age between 70 and 108, instead of being pushed down their mother’s baby chute and living a childhood like human beings?

    There is nothing more joyous than the sound of joyful squeals from the little ones being children in the park, school, etc 🙂

    There are also earplugs.

  12. When I hear my neighbor’s baby crying I will crack the window so I can hear it better because it reminds me of my large, noisy family.

  13. This means it’s ok to be as loud as they want, cart blanche?

    ” Japanese residents of child rearing age, you may now let your child make as much noise as he or she would like. Take them to Royal Host or Sizeria for a singing contest if you’d like! Here is your 5k yen per month. Please go make babies!”

  14. If we could somehow modify motorcycles to sound like kids, the bosozoku problem would be over yesterday.

  15. I thought there was a park closed down because the children were making too much noise. What’s going to happen to that?

  16. On one hands I hate the sound of shrieking children (used to live next to a park and this girl who mimic a dying banshee was in particular alarming)

    On the other hand the politicians are actually favoring opinion of someone whose age is lower than 70, that’s a welcoming sign.

    I will tolerate some banshee sounds occasionally for the sake of progress

  17. I understand that but only if the government give me a free pair of Apple TM earbuds Pro 2 every 3 years. I think that is reasonable.

  18. The fact this is something discussed at this level just highlights how bureaucratic this country is to the extreme. Rules for everything

  19. It is understandable that such an idea was developed because of an incident in which a certain park was closed because of a single complaint of noisy children.

    However, that proposed solution does not actually solve anything. Its legislation does not solve the experience of being bothered by the noisy voices of children.

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