Really nervous, its the first week of school and i got called to come in early next week

I just started school here (abroad for 1 year program).

Its been going well (aside from being 10 minutes late the first day on monday because my bus was late) but i already spoke to the staff about it that day, wrote apology/tardy letter etc.

But today i was in the hallway during passing period and one of the office workers asked me if i could come in early on Monday (like 3 hours before school starts), they told me to bring food incase i get hungry. He also said to bring the school handbook. I said okay and asked why and he said what sounded like rumors or something.
Im so scared because i cant even possibly think of what it could be?

I came home and read the whole handbook and the only thing i could find was the no eating during lessons rule and i ate my onigiri during our break and my teacher and classmates said it was fine

What rumors could of been spread about me so early 🥲 im not even very outgoing

  1. Probably is just something like an orientation for the gaijin student, don’t worry too much.

  2. When i first got to school when i moved here there were all sorts of meetings and stuff going on. Don’t worry, its probably just asking questions and interviews and that sort of thing.

  3. Sure the staff didn’t say rules, not rumors, and they just want to go over the school rules with you?

  4. Regarding the rumor part, did they speak in English or Japanese (噂; uwasa)? Because that’s the part that didn’t make much sense.

  5. You don’t have to worry too much. As a Japanese high school student, students are just curious about you because the number of foreign students is little.

    If I were in your school as a Japanese, I wanted to know about your country, culture, or life.

  6. They ain’t gonna give you a hard time. Trust me. International students are like gold here now. They’re not gonna chase you away

  7. As a general word of advice, worry about things when they’ve actually happened, otherwise you’re going to waste a lot of your life fretting over things that never even take place. (Yes, obviously within reason.)

  8. After reading your replies to a few comments, I’m 100% sure it’s just another guidance, don’t worry about it! I’m surprised being 10 mins late warrants an apology letter, this was never an issue during my undergrad and masters (both different universities).

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