Doctor recommandation ? (April 2023)


I got sick recently, but not in a 風邪 type of sick, more of a ” underlying problem ” type of sick.

I did went to the doctor and got some weird results so he told me to go to the hospitals. I did and the doctor was like ” i think you’re worried for nothing. Also we dont do test… idk what you want me to do. ” , all that while my body is covered in bruises. He told me my symptoms (night sweat , lost of appetite, swollen lymph nodes as well as memory loss and being short of breath and falling) were normal, that I might just be tired.

But any normal person would be quite aware of such symptoms, right?!
There’s also tons of chronic conditions in my family such a lupus, hypothyroidism and leukemia.

In my country I did not had to see any specialist to go get a test done and know the results, just a normal practitian would’ve done the job but I know it is different here.

But the thing is that I don’t know what it could be, which is the reason I want to see someone who could help me find the cause. But as it can be nothing and everything… where should I go?
I don’t want to wait to much as I don’t like letting underlying stuff get into their way.

I’m also in Tokyo rn and speak JP fluently so no problem for communication..
I just want a nice recommandation if anyone has been through the same stuff before!

Thank you in advance 🙂

  1. Go get a second opinion. Don’t give up because one doctor couldn’t be bothered with you.

    ETA: I unfortunately don’t know what kind of doctor you should see, but maybe a naika at a large/prestigious university hospital might be able to sort you out.

  2. I’m sorry I’m not in the Tokyo area, so I can’t give recs. but I’ve dealt with symptoms like that before and it was Hyperthyroidism(the sweats and falling fr fr) Just commenting to say best of luck and keep on it looking for a doctor that will test you (p sure anyone can do blood tests. In my experience it’s best to find a general care dr, do the tests thru the, and that clinic can introduce you to specialists if needed). Good luck!

  3. Some hospitals have 総合内科 section or sections that have similar naming and you’re supposed to go there when you don’t know what is wrong and need to be checked out.

    Hope you feel better soon!

  4. The St. Luke’s Medilocus clinic located in Otemachi is very well equipped, with the added bonus of being able to refer you on and make bookings at the main hospital for anything they can’t handle onsite and also sharing their records. They did just that when I developed a chronic ailment around 18 months ago.

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