Rakuten cancels my orders

Good evening dear wise people of this subreddit,

I wanted to buy a tablet from Rakuten but my order keeps getting rejected

and the Email from Rakuten does not state a reason. I am an exchange student,

living in university dorm. I paid with credit card, the transaction even got booked.


Does somebody know why I get rejected?


I entered my name in romaji and in the furigana

part in katakana. My adress is written in Kanji. I cant really see my mistake, I never had problems

with Amazon thus far (also with Japanese second hand book sellers) .


I would really appreciate advice on what I might be doing wrong. Thank you and have a nice day (and golden week)!

  1. Just order through Apple or Amazon. Rakuten has seen better days and with all of its recent missteps with phones, employee relations, hiring issues, etc., just delete your account and go elsewhere where you don’t have to be a programmer to debug their system.

  2. There has to be a reason. Paste the email contents here removing any incriminating info and maybe someone can diagnose. Otherwise no one can help you.

  3. Assumptions aren’t always correct, but as someone who has been using Rakuten weekly (daily sometimes) for business, it may likely be the case of a seller using the Rakuten platform who is blanket-rejecting all orders paid for with foreign-issued credit cards (or by buyers with non-Japanese names) in a feeble attempt to reduce their risk of getting scammed. If it is, you’re only option is to pay via conbini or bank transfer (no fear for them of a chargeback/scam). But the better option is to just shop elsewhere if possible and not reward that type of behavior. I’ve had it happen more times than I could remember and sometimes stores will even outright admit to disallowing non-Japanese from paying via credit card.

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