How’s everyone feeling about the Participants of BOSJ 30?

How’s everyone feeling about the Participants of BOSJ 30?

  1. Just like last year I’d say this is a very stacked BOSJ with some fresh matchups and refreshed talent on the roster that feel like actual contenders to win this year.

  2. Think it’s good overall. Glad those appearances paid off for Speedball. Admittedly I wish Alex Zayne were included after a good showing last year but whatever. Here’s hoping they need a big Flippy guy for the G1.

  3. The A Block is absolutely loaded. I can’t wait to see Mike Bailey show out for his first tour with New Japan.

  4. Positive overall. Enough new faces to make it fun (Bailey/Moloney), better representation from LA Dojo (Connors/Knight). Sad it’s not a little larger to have a couple more outsiders, but I understand with Kushida’s return and more LA Dojo presence there’s less room for outside talent (which is also a positive because it’s indicative of a healthy division for a company that is developing new stars).

  5. Love it. We wanted another Mexican wrestler for B Block, but whatever. A Block having some really good short dude matches will be fun (Kushida, Lio, Douki + Ishimori). Excited about Titan vs Mike Bailey. Love that we’ll get Despy vs Nobu, Connors vs Kevin Knight and Akira vs Eagles in B Block.

    Now that both my picks for block finalists are tag champs, though, I’m really not sure who’s going to win this one. I originally thought Kushida vs Despy for the finals with Despy winning. Now I’m not sure.

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