Blows my mind these 2 haven’t had a singles match. the two aces. one day

Blows my mind these 2 haven’t had a singles match. the two aces. one day

  1. I tried during the pandemic to get into All Japan. Jake Lee was getting a big push. There was a big card where the winner of the first match would then face so and so for the title. Just couldn’t get into any of the wrestlers. Did the same with NOAH. I was more impressed with All Japan. Are there some All Japan matches with their current crop of wrestlers that you’d recommend to a novice? A lot of the recent All Japan matches that I’ve seen were more of the slow pace, almost plodding variety. Any match recommendations that has a good pace to it would be very appreciated.

  2. Whenever it’s convenient for you. I appreciate you taking the time to do me a solid.

  3. Jay White meh. He’s only winning because his manager is the booker. His act would get real boring without winning all the time. Call me when he starts to get other people over. Right now all White had done is take take take take. I’ll pay attention when he starts to give back.

  4. That was probably the worst time to have Okada break that record. They had so many guys that were scorching hot then. Would have been so much better if NJPW would have shared the title during those two years.

    To answer your question, I don’t remember exactly when I realized Okada has the personality of unbuttered toast. It was either shortly after his 700+ day reign or when Gedo was dropped as his manager. Or maybe those event coincided together to make him the uninteresting no personality blank hard drive bot that he is, either way you reaffirmed my position with Jay. Okada is definitely more boring without Gedo. And White would be equally as boring, just less snooty, but more bitchy. Thank you.

  5. If they did have a match, I’d probably be a draw or they’d have a two-match series and have one win apiece.

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