Japan pushes abortion pill despite pro-life protests

Japan pushes abortion pill despite pro-life protests


  1. The “union of catholic asian news” newspaper’s views on the subject are irrelevant.

  2. Wow a hundred pro life protestors? That’s incredible. Great numbers folks. That’s almost enough to overwhelm a Bokkuri Donki during the lunch rush.

  3. A quick look over website for:

    > the Ligaya Acosta, the regional director of Asia and Oceania at Human Life International decried the government’s move.

    …and it’s readily apparent that those guys are insane religious hatemongers.

    The following passage from their page on condoms clearly illustrates that they are clearly completely fucking batshit mental:

    > The use of condoms is considered normal, almost compulsory, for many people engaging in sex today, whether married or unmarried. Of course, pro-lifers and Catholics oppose this unnatural device on the moral level. It not only disrupts the mechanism of transmitting human life in the most direct way possible; it also encourages promiscuity with false promises of “preventing pregnancy” or diseases.

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