What to watch besides anime

Anybody have any vloggers, vtubers, gamers. Youtubers that post content for fellow japanese speakers not language learners that are interesting. Less than 1 hr videos please.

So I get bored easily and in general regardless of if I’m trying to learn a language I only watch anime.

So I wanted to expand my learning resource and maybe my media tastes for asking for what yall watch as listening practice.

I don usually watch vloggers but if you know any that are actually interesting please tell me.

Also I dont usually watch gamers but if you know any that post videos less than an hour please tell me.

  1. If you have Steam on PC there are some visual novel (with Japanese voice acting and i believe the UI can be in either Englishor Japanese) games like Amnesia Memories, London Detective Mysteria, Gakuen Club, Ozmafia, Green Tower (or something like that), and a few other that I can’t think of at the moment. Some other fun Japanese voiced games are on Switch, PS Vita, Nintendo DS.

  2. I like watching Kimagure Cook as he slices up and cooks all kinds of weird fish. He’s just so damn entertaining.

  3. Onomappu is great for Japanese learners. Funny, interesting Japanese culture content, and relatively easy to understand.

  4. Right now I’m watching a Spanish series with Japanese subs (I don’t speak Spanish).

  5. Have you tried finding vtuber clipper channels? They’ll usually post a 1-5 minute highlight and I find that easier than watching a whole stream.

  6. Check out the youtube shorts section with your youtube location set to Japanese.
    It’s a great way to find new content, or just rapid fire Japanese content when you don’t know what you want to watch.

  7. Maybe it’s just me but I could watch 水曜どうでしょう for like 1000 hours straight lmao

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