Health Certificate for Language School Application

Hey all,

I’m applying to KICL for their October enrolment this year and I’m just waiting on my doctors appointment to get my health certificate filled out.

I’m just wondering how important it is to be 100% healthy.

What kind of things are they looking for or are concerned about in regards to the health certificate?

My form includes a urinalysis, blood sugar, x-rays and of course weight and height as well as any additional notes.

I’m iron deficient and take supplements daily for this. Will this hinder my chances of being accepted?

I’m probably just over thinking this but I’m just really concerned about this effecting my application.

Thank you

  1. This is a copy of your post for archive/search purposes.

    **Health Certificate for Language School Application**

    Hey all,

    I’m applying to KICL for their October enrolment this year and I’m just waiting on my doctors appointment to get my health certificate filled out.

    I’m just wondering how important it is to be 100% healthy.

    What kind of things are they looking for or are concerned about in regards to the health certificate?

    My form includes a urinalysis, blood sugar, x-rays and of course weight and height as well as any additional notes.

    I’m iron deficient and take supplements daily for this. Will this hinder my chances of being accepted?

    I’m probably just over thinking this but I’m just really concerned about this effecting my application.

    Thank you

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  2. I highly doubt that iron deficiency will be a problem. It’s actually a fairly common issue here, and an issue that loads of women have worldwide. As long as you’re taking your supplements and aren’t in iron deficiency anemia, I imagine you’ll be fine.

  3. You don’t need to be 100% healthy. Just remember that bringing medication is another process entirely. Everyone’s recommendation (including the schools) was that if you do not require any form of aid or medication for your problems, do not state them on the declaration.

    I have about a million allergies and asthma (but only listed the ones that actively require medication or any form of aid. I do not need to state that I’m allergic to raw fruit when I can just avoid fruit) and my boyfriend has a small heart problem caused by covid. Both accepted at language school for July enrollment.

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